lost is a valuable lesson to learn and makes the lost a motivation to pick up profits. because none of them immediately succeed, they must have lost first.
for beginner traders if they get lost it doesn't matter because of the learning period. edge if it's already senior and has been trading for a long time and still lost and mc then the trader doesn't learn from mistakes.
senior tarder who is still a frequent MC means not using good trading methods or psychology is still not good.
so even though you have been trading for a long time it has not been a guarantee that it will always be successful.depends on yourself whether you want to change and learn better.
absolutely right, many veteran traders have not been able to succeed, it's because of possible psychology.
like a championship, if you want to win you must be diligent in practicing. including forex also if you want to win and profit must often learn and practice.
right, it's called skill, so trading requires skills to be proficient so there is a call pro traders that advanced traders or experts.
to get the skills needed intention and want to continue to grow in order to be better.
profit must always be sought in various ways and good management so that the opportunity for profit is greater than loss.
the advantage when trading forex is something that must be achieved, it is a fixed price. for what trading if you don't focus on profit. whatever the way, whatever our strategy in trading must win.
profit is the goal of all traders but the results depend on the effort and also the efforts made and how to trade.
how to trade every trader must be different and also the strategy is also different, but if you do it correctly the results will also not disappoint.
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