A business, both forex and other conventional businesses, certainly cannot be separated from what is called planning, talking about planning, of course there are targets and risks ?? without us knowing in the forex business risk management is still a thing that we often consider trivial even though as good as any design that we have made if it is not balanced with good risk management will be very difficult to achieve.
In doing business everyone certainly hopes to get the maximum benefit with the smallest risk, but before we proceed deeper there is one thing I want to ask you, so far in what position are you: Low risk high profit or high risk low profit
Doing business in the world of forex is indeed very promising where everyone has the opportunity to get a substantial amount of profit in a short time, but so far the benefits usually are only a temporary fold before turning into a loss. How come??
The main factor causing this is nothing but a lack of understanding of forex and risk management that is not good. setting high targets is legitimate but must pay attention to how much risk we can afford to reach the target and how long it will take to reach the target.
that's right sir, first we have to know what forex is, then proceed how forex runs.
well, when we learn the basics of forex, we will meet with what is forex, which is actually a world of probability, where we cannot manage it.
the only thing that can be arranged is ourselves, when a trader can defeat himself he is the winner