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make MC as a valuable experience

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MC's experience, if possible, is that you should never commit hatred against. because the more you hate it, the more you stress yourself because if you can, when you experience MC, make it an experience to change it. which is good because I agree When you change MC as an experience to change all your current conditions it will be better than you. getting angry is not clear because when you are MC then you can no longer trade and in my opinion. It's useless for you to be emotional because of that. How do you waste time on emotions, so it's better to use it to study again
#901 - September 14, 2023, 08:25:32 AM

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Making MC an experience is a true form of appreciation. what we have to do when trading. Never lose with something that makes you give up because when you MC When you give up. then it will be difficult for you to trade and you must be able to pass the improvements so you can get comfortable profits and you can get consistent results
#902 - September 15, 2023, 09:30:00 AM

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Using MC as an evaluation of one's own performance is indeed important. one of the most profitable things in my opinion is because when you know your mistakes at the beginning then you can move quickly to do them. evaluation So you have to be able to think positively about this problem. When you MC it might be painful but when you already know that it's your chance. to make improvements it is even better. So you must be able to take advantage of this situation to change all your methods.
#903 - September 17, 2023, 09:29:37 AM

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MC is the worst thing a Di trader can get. which they've failed to. make a profit because they run out of capital therefore when. the first time you get MC you should be able to evaluate all your performance all your trading systems so when you learn you have. using a new way because of MC. it's very dangerous for MC's psychology, it's very dangerous for ourselves because our money will always run out and we can't develop our own money, that's why it's important to evaluate and experience to improve this.
#904 - September 18, 2023, 09:13:54 AM

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When you are an MC, you should be able to focus on evaluating and making it an experience to carry out. trade in a better way because when you make MC as. experience, there is still hope to trade better and there is still hope for you to improve. all your methods are wrong so you may be sad for a moment but you shouldn't. If you spend your time just being sad, you should be able to spend your time evaluating
#905 - September 19, 2023, 09:00:35 AM

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actually making MC an experience is indeed a very good initiative because when you. Making MC is an experience for you to know what makes us MC, what methods make us. MC what are the mistakes that make us MC so that in the future you don't. repeating all that, you must be able to write it down in a big book where the causes of MC are that way. I think this is a good and creative step here, so that later we can avoid things that could at least result in us losing
#906 - September 20, 2023, 08:59:48 AM

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if you make a mistake until you MC and you don't make any changes, don't evaluate it, it will actually make it difficult for you later because when you MC you should use it as an experience for yourself to change to do the best for your method, so later you definitely won't will repeat the same for your own analysis needs
#907 - September 22, 2023, 08:49:32 AM

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When you are an MC you have to be able to make it an experience. for evaluation because that way we can get good benefits to get more results. useful and you also have to know that what is called MC is not good. You are afraid that when you are MC, you have to study hard. You have to do more. enthusiasm for learning to try other, better ways to analyze
#908 - September 23, 2023, 07:43:17 AM

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Making MC a change tool or evaluation tool for ourselves. Because when we MC, usually we will be people who are enthusiastic about learning to be new people. use different strategies because when we MC we definitely want to get much bigger profits. We will be able to use all of that if we are willing to evaluate every method or technique that we will use later and don't be too sad. Don't be too disappointed, it's better if you use the time to practice again and plan the system well again.
#909 - September 24, 2023, 09:11:19 AM

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Making MC a form. the experience of making changes well will make you more confident in trading. because when you are an MC, you have to immediately make changes to make improvements in your trading because when you don't. If you make changes, what I'm afraid of is that later you will continue to do the same thing because you don't have another method, but if you take a break, calm yourself first and evaluate your trading method, then there is a possibility that you will be able to use a better method later.
#910 - September 25, 2023, 09:13:37 AM

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Make your defeat, especially the MC, your experience to change because basically when you are. getting MC is something that you use as an advantage for evaluation because when you don't MC then you will become arrogant and you will. Being overconfident will be something that is not good for you, so when you MC, don't be angry. No need to MC. You have to think positively that this is an opportunity for you to learn better.
#911 - September 27, 2023, 08:06:38 AM

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If you are serious about always updating your method then when. You MC make it an experience to change because when you MC it is in the right momentum so you can correct your wrong trading method or you can improve your method. wrong management because when you MC there is definitely something that fails in the application of your method and you have to look for it so that when you find it and change it later when you trade again everything will be safe
#912 - September 28, 2023, 08:44:56 AM

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making MC an experience. To change is something we can do too because when we MC we will definitely think about how to do it. to return our capital. I don't think so. The important thing is that we are sincere, first we admit that it was our fault. change, we train again, we improve again. All our systems are better. instead of getting angry and retaliating. Revenge will be useless if our system is wrong, so make MC the one. I agree with the experience of changing that
#913 - September 29, 2023, 09:13:13 AM

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making defeat or making MC an experience is usually an incident like this that makes us more. enthusiasm to try and usually experiences like this make us more confident in making things. The new method is precisely when you are not afraid when you MC and choose to. keep going and try well and practice seriously that will make you. You become strong because there are several Many traders who are just when. they lose they give up and this is what you should not do then. Therefore, as a good trader, when you have experience like that, you must be happy in the sense that you can evaluate by looking at small mistakes that you can correct later.
#914 - September 30, 2023, 09:40:35 AM

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Making MC a form of change for yourself is important because when MC is what we need to do, we have to be able to do it. evaluate each of our performance we must need to evaluate each method system that we create because of this MC. is the worst thing that happened to us because we lost all our money without any remainder, therefore when you once get MC you immediately do your evaluation. move quickly to find mistakes, whether theoretically, analytically or psychologically, because that way we can see what's wrong and when you know what's wrong, you can do it straight away. improving, whether changing or adding in a better way.
#915 - October 01, 2023, 09:24:20 AM


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