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make MC as a valuable experience

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If you are an MC then make it a. experience to change for the better because when you MC then everything. I'm sure you'll be disappointed in your thoughts, you'll definitely be emotional, but I'm sure you'll be able to train your psychology. with stability so that you remain patient. Later what you focus on is not defeat, but what you focus on is improving what you need to do. Later, you will evaluate it as a tool for trading in a better way.
#916 - October 03, 2023, 07:59:55 AM

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If you are studying or trading, of course you have experienced MC or you have experienced losses, therefore we as traders must know how to suppress things like that by carrying out evaluations. Because after all, when we trade, we definitely cannot escape defeat and that is the time. Why do we have to carry out evaluations so that we don't do the same thing so that we don't use methods that can make us lose, so make MC an experience to improve yourself and an experience to improve the system
#917 - October 04, 2023, 08:17:20 AM

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Currently I see many people making margin calls, but they never give up. Many traders are tempted to always open positions even though the direction of the market is still unclear
#918 - October 05, 2023, 12:50:57 AM

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MC is something that really makes us afraid because MC is the final result when we fail and we don't get any profit at all and we run out of money until we really run out, therefore, when you often get MC, you have to be able to make it an experience. to learn you have to be able to use your experience for evaluation because when you MC then you keep trading with the same method in my opinion you will MC again because when you trade you will definitely use the method and that method is what makes you MC so when you MC you must be obliged to replace this method as an evaluation material
#919 - October 05, 2023, 08:36:42 AM

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Making MC an experience for you to change makes MC an experience for you to be even more active in learning and evaluating because MC comes to a point where you will lose when trading forex. Therefore, when we MC, we must try to be enthusiastic about changing everything. We have to change our methods, starting from our analysis system to our psychology, because that way we will know what caused this all to happen. We have to be able to be people who care about all this because when we don't care, the target is our trading account, our money. itself will disappear.
#920 - October 07, 2023, 08:19:22 AM

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That's true because when MC you just look at it or you don't do it. any evaluation. In my opinion it is something that is not good because when we experience MC we should. act better, we must be able to use MC as an experience to change. Don't use MC as. Therefore, when we get MC, we have to see what is wrong with the system. We are looking for our trading and we must be able to explore it with proper evaluation and practice.
#921 - October 08, 2023, 09:14:33 AM

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I think MC is a mistake, and can be a valuable experience. You must have a good understanding of the characteristics of the market so you don't MC
#922 - October 08, 2023, 11:15:37 AM

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I agree with that because making MC an experience to change will make us become traders who know how to use evaluation with better results because when evaluation becomes one of the important things when we MC it will lead us to better things. right because if you can, don't MC often because when you often MC and you don't do anything, it's actually a mistake, so it's an experience that won't be repeated again by making deeper improvements, carrying out sharper analysis and using more appropriate management methods so that You can turn all those mistakes into good profits.
#923 - October 09, 2023, 09:38:32 AM

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A margin call or often shortened to MC is a scary thing, but many traders are not aware of this and when their margin is about to run out, they regret why they didn't use a stop loss in the first place.
#924 - October 09, 2023, 11:01:32 AM

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Making MC an experience for. do the best from Previously I really agree with this opinion. because when you are an MC you should act more actively and act more. enthusiasm to be able to change anything that is not in accordance with what you are currently doing because MC is there as a reminder of what we are doing. all this time is wrong and it's time for us to evaluate because. However, we must be able to become a trader who is active in making efforts. get the consistent and best thing. So this is the right moment to make improvements
#925 - October 10, 2023, 08:39:11 AM

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Indeed, margin calls often occur and are an experience we don't want. Consider the experience and forex trading skills you have. The one you look up to and compare yourself to is probably a pro trader.
#926 - October 10, 2023, 08:41:45 AM

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Making MC an interesting experience for you is the right performance in my opinion here because when you can make MC an experience to evaluate and change things for the better it will be very important for us because when we MC we should be able to be aware You must be able to think positively because after all, when we MC there is an opportunity for us to achieve improvement and in-depth evaluation, therefore when we experience MC we must be able to focus on trading in a better and more correct way.
#927 - October 11, 2023, 08:25:52 AM

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When you trade and you gain MC experience. make MC an experience because that experience will make you know more about how to learn. Every method that you will use later when you make a mistake, you must be able to focus on fixing and correcting each one. You don't need to be afraid to correct these errors. You don't need to be afraid to change the wrong method. Try your best so that later you can trade with confidence and create a new trading system.
#928 - October 12, 2023, 08:12:01 AM

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Everyone who experiences MC is definitely disappointed, including me, but when we experience MC, there are only two choices, we improve and evaluate by getting up or we give up and stop here, that's a personal opinion. But if it were me, I would prefer to get up, I would prefer to evaluate every action I make that is wrong because I won't just give up I don't want to give up just like that I will do my best until I can get what I have been fighting for all this time therefore to always make MC as an experience while also making MC as an evaluation for performance.
#929 - October 13, 2023, 08:17:24 AM

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Making MC an experience to change is a good thing that we really have to use at that time because the MC experience becomes a momentum for self-change so that later you don't lose again. Many people are afraid when trading and MC, even though when you are the MC is a momentum that you have to take advantage of to change a momentum where you can make improvements and can even look for loopholes so that you don't repeat the same thing, therefore it's best to make MC a friend, not to always get MC, but in this case, make MC a friend so that You can do a better evaluation.
#930 - October 14, 2023, 09:23:27 AM


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