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make MC as a valuable experience

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I see that what actually causes many traders to make margin calls is because they don't dare to cut losses and continue to hope that price movements will reverse direction. However, if it turns out that prices continue to fall, of course the losses experienced will be greater. even they don't dare to put a stop loss.
#931 - October 15, 2023, 12:17:28 AM

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Making MC as a form of experience is a good thing in my opinion here because there are many traders who do not dare to carry out tracking activities by carrying out good management such as using stop loss or cutting loss when the price movement does not match our predictions. it's best if we have to cut it all off by cutting losses because after all we have to be able to protect our money but if we are in a rush MC we have to be able to be aware we have to be able to be sincere and make the experience for evaluation better for us beforehand because of this. This is very important for us so that in the future we don't repeat it again.
#932 - October 15, 2023, 07:50:21 AM

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Making the MC experience as an experience to change is indeed a good thing in my opinion here because the MC experience will provide a good experience. In my opinion, we will indeed feel sorry for losing money but we can take the positive side, we will know what our mistakes are, we will become know what we have to do with our own management methods and systems. Because after all, when we know our mistakes, it will be easy for us to correct them and that is one of the right ways to change the situation.
#933 - October 16, 2023, 08:22:17 AM

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Making MC an experience will provide great benefits for you because the diversity of MC will indeed make us more careful and know better that mistakes must be corrected. MC experience. Don't regret the experience of losing, but make it a benchmark so that you don't do it again. because in my opinion we have to take a positive position from all of this because when we keep winning we won't know that losing will hurt but once we know that MC hurts we will always be more careful
#934 - October 17, 2023, 08:28:52 AM

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traders will usually get different results or undesirable results when they make a margin call and of course that must be their experience in the future so they don't make another margin call.
#935 - October 18, 2023, 12:52:13 AM

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When you make the MC as. an experience I think it's a very important thing because. MC experience is very much needed. Why do I say that because when we experience MC we can know what our mistakes are. The more we do. when we make mistakes, the more we know what we have to fix and in my opinion that is a positive thing, we do lose materially, but in my opinion that is. is an investment in the future so that we don't repeat the same thing. the same as if we used large capital and ultimately losing is more painful
#936 - October 18, 2023, 09:02:31 AM

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Many people consider MC as a scary thing, but for professionals, when they have a strong mentality and are psychologically stable, they consider MC as an experience to change because with MC, yes, we can know what we did wrong with MC, we can know what what we can change from our own system because when we don't know what we did wrong, we won't be able to fix it. It's called fixing it. You have to know the mistake first so that we don't repeat the same thing.
#937 - October 19, 2023, 08:33:21 AM

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MC experience makes us stronger in my opinion. Why, because when we MC we already know our mistakes or we already know what we will do later because in my opinion when we MC it is the right momentum so we can correct every mistake we make but when we never lose never MC then we will become arrogant And one day when we lose we will be stressed in my opinion it is better if we are still beginners we often MC than when we have been trading for a long time we often MC
#938 - October 20, 2023, 08:20:17 AM

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MC experience is usually used by people to improve their own performance because MC experience is the right thing where we can see what is wrong with our methods. When we find our mistakes, we can learn with further evaluation, therefore when you Don't take the negative side of your MC, on the contrary, you must be able to take the positive side so that later when you have an MC experience or a loss experience, you can use it as an experience to relearn your method.
#939 - October 21, 2023, 09:16:11 AM

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Some say that 90 percent of forex traders will fail and experience margin calls in the first month. I think margin calls will be a very valuable experience for traders who are just starting to learn.
#940 - October 21, 2023, 10:59:28 AM

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In my opinion, it is mandatory for you to make MC as a form of experience because when you can make MC as a good form of experience, it is impossible for you to feel regret. In fact, you will become more enthusiastic and more enthusiastic about doing research because this is what is usually considered by a professional, we really don't need to change the method. The important thing here is that we only change the way we open positions or the way we use technical management. We don't really need to change it because when we change techniques frequently, it will actually be detrimental to us.
#941 - October 22, 2023, 10:04:55 AM

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In my opinion, making margin calls as a material for valuation and experience is very good because it is useful for seeing whether the performance of our trading system is good or not.
#942 - October 23, 2023, 12:45:05 AM

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Making MC an experience will make us more successful. Why is that because when we MC we definitely want to get better results and one way is to evaluate the experience to change so that later every day we don't repeat the same mistakes so we should take the positive side first, don't get angry, let alone get emotional because There is no point
#943 - October 23, 2023, 08:36:14 AM

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everything we experience, everything we get is a bad result. If you can make it an experience, you must also make improvements to that experience. Don't just make it an experience but you don't do anything. When you MC, make it a lesson to correct yourself and correct your knowledge. or your own method so that later in the future you will know what you can do and what you can't do. This is very important so that you can build discipline and be able to achieve victory.
#944 - October 24, 2023, 08:10:29 AM

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Don't try to ignore a margin call and assume it is a normal thing, because if you do it then you will have to make another margin call until you run out of money in forex trading.
#945 - October 24, 2023, 12:28:57 PM


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