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make MC as a valuable experience

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making MC or the experience of losing into an experience to change, in my opinion this is something that really needs to be done when you are MC and you don't do anything or maybe you are just normal, you think of this as the wind and then it's also no problem but you have to remember when you don't  take any action. When you MC, the system you use will be the same. What I mean here is that when you MC, you must be able to change your system, change your management, change your mindset, change your psychology
#976 - November 28, 2023, 08:09:43 AM

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make MC an experience because this forex business is very promising if we know how to play it, a trader can get additional income by doing this currency business, it is not an easy thing and sometimes we MC but with discipline, patience and focus we can make it happen .
#977 - November 28, 2023, 11:44:17 AM

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Many people take it for granted.  When you get an MC, in my opinion, the MC experience will actually make you feel a good experience.  to make changes When you are the MC, don't just keep quiet, but try.  Do an evaluation of what you have done but you are the MC. I think it's important so that you know what your mistake was, whether it was management or something.  Psychologically, whether technical or otherwise, it's all important. So.  Later the changes you make will make you a professional with a system with high accuracy.
#978 - November 29, 2023, 08:23:26 AM

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make margin calls an experience and deepen your knowledge seriously and comprehensively without any secrets that we don't understand, whether it's the system, the tricks and tips as well as the various methods that we have to get and master so that there are no more hidden secrets for us.
#979 - November 29, 2023, 08:25:30 AM

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When you make MC an experience for success, it will create something that is right for you because after all, making MC an experience will give you something good for you to do your work carefully by making improvements. You don't need to be afraid. You don't  Don't be ashamed of MC, everyone has experienced MC, the important thing is that your business is successful, you can do it well
#980 - December 02, 2023, 08:08:42 AM

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Making MC an experience for evaluation makes the experience change for the better, it is a good basis for making the right trade because after all, when you experience a bitter experience.  So immediately carry out an evaluation so that you can judge for yourself that your system will be better when you have carried out the evaluation because don't play around with foreign currency. When you play around, the bet is that all your money will be lost.
#981 - December 04, 2023, 07:56:43 AM

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Sometimes we don't take MC as something serious and just think of it as normal. sometimes we forget it. What is actually important is that we really have to try to improve margin calls and always try hard to be able to organize our trading patterns well again and it will indeed be able to produce results that will be good for us to get.
#982 - December 05, 2023, 12:02:48 AM

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Margin calls should not be feared. When you experience MC, you must be able to make it an experience, making it something that should not be repeated again or something that must be corrected because when you think that MC is a normal thing, you will tend to underestimate it.  You will tend to get used to getting MC even though it is something wrong, therefore when you have gotten MC 2 or 3 times.  It's best if you stop trading first. You have to be able to find a way to find a system to improve your system. It becomes an MC experience. Don't take it for granted but use it as momentum to make improvements.
#983 - December 05, 2023, 08:16:17 AM

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Don't let us not make MC an experience. When we experience MC, we must not remain silent, we must be active in making improvements. Because it is the right moment so that we know what went wrong. When we MC, we must be able to take the positive side. Don't look at the negative side.  Maybe when we MC we will be disappointed because we lost some of our capital, but on the positive side, we can make improvements to what we have done before so that the same thing doesn't happen another day or another time.
#984 - December 06, 2023, 08:13:55 AM

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In Forex, there are times when we will make margin calls, but we make margin calls as students and also as a step to make us knowledgeable and have experience in trading, therefore the main focus of a trader, especially a beginner trader, should be to obtain and solidify these things.
#985 - December 06, 2023, 08:53:04 AM

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making MC as a form of change in what we do is indeed correct because when we have experienced prolonged MC we should focus on improvement, we should focus on evaluation because we will use this momentum as best as possible to correct every mistake we have made because  when you just use this momentum as a passing wind or don't do anything. Maybe in my opinion that is a very unfortunate thing, so you should be active when you become a trader, that way you can choose from all sides, if there is a defect, you are obliged to fix it.
#986 - December 07, 2023, 07:07:53 AM

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When you want to make a mistake as a self-evaluation then you have to be able to trade correctly and I agree that you said every time you lose every time you MC it must be used as a learning and improvement so that later you will not repeat the same situation and you  will not repeat the same technique again, therefore we are obliged to become a trader who actively trades
#987 - December 10, 2023, 07:58:18 AM

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When we are able to make margin calls an experience, it means traders are able to control their emotions. A reliable trading system and good money management are the easiest to learn, but applying both with discipline is the most difficult.
#988 - December 11, 2023, 01:05:06 AM

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making MC as an experience provides effective results for you to always progress in the future because when you can't use MC as an experience to do your best to make changes it will actually make it difficult for you so when you MC you are obliged to trade well you are obliged  to carry out a good evaluation so that all the obstacles you face will definitely lead to success towards the right target
#989 - December 12, 2023, 08:09:03 AM

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If you are an MC, you make it all an experience to change for evaluation because when you make MC a momentum to improve correctly, a momentum to evaluate well, then I guarantee that what you did before will not be repeated like now. But when you just keep quiet and  If you don't do anything to fix all your systems, it will have a big impact every day and of course your capital will be the victim
#990 - December 15, 2023, 07:53:17 AM


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