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Release Emotions

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Someone who is easily emotional is not going to get anything against. the activities they do will actually be susceptible to disease because people who are easily emotional will often get sick and when you are emotional. You have to remember that emotions will not adjust. Emotions will not resolve your loyalty precisely when your emotions will affect. all your problems well. So you have to be able to act maturely and. professional when you are emotional don't let you do the wrong activity You have to be able to focus. releasing these emotions from the grip of your own mind so that everything will become easier when you do an activity
#601 - September 08, 2023, 09:49:05 AM

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Releasing emotions is a stable condition in my opinion because when you can release emotions well. Later that emotion will develop into high enthusiasm and motivation to make improvements. People who are always emotional will not be able to gain benefits and people who can always maintain their emotions will always be protected by their own thoughts because of those emotions. negative actions that will not be able to gain benefits in any way
#602 - September 09, 2023, 08:32:06 AM

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The emotions you release will make you a better person. When analyzing or opening an emotional position, it doesn't have to be done in an explosive way. When you can't make your emotions more stable later, that's it. I'm afraid whatever you use will be very dangerous for your own trading account. So it would be better if you could focus on trading by letting go of your emotions when you fail to make a profit
#603 - September 11, 2023, 08:49:37 AM

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Sometimes we are traders. It must be possible to release our emotions because when we release our emotions it means we can release the burden that is in our minds with. Letting go of the burden that is in our minds, we can be calm, we can be patient people. We can be people who know how to. do something with positive actions because when we get emotional easily we act rashly. It's all useless. We have to be able to show that we are someone. professional traders by managing our emotions and managing our psychology well so that later we will not feel bad things when trading forex so that later we can get consistent profits with stable emotions
#604 - September 12, 2023, 10:07:13 AM

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Sometimes we are traders. It must be possible to release our emotions because when we release our emotions it means we can release the burden that is in our minds with. Letting go of the burden that is in our minds, we can be calm, we can be patient people. We can be people who know how to. do something with positive actions because when we get emotional easily we act rashly. It's all useless. We have to be able to show that we are someone. professional traders by managing our emotions and managing our psychology well so that later we will not feel bad things when trading forex so that later we can get consistent profits with stable emotions
High emotions or in the sense of bad psychology, will always haunt the business we run, controlling emotions requires patience.
#605 - September 12, 2023, 01:51:13 PM

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when we experience failure, our minds definitely become stressed, of course we feel that we are not perfect, we are useless for trading forex, but you have to remember, you have to be able to think positively, you have to be able to love yourself by letting go of your current emotions. because what makes you like this is your irregular emotions, so that's why it's important to study psychology and emotions so that in situations like this you can suppress these emotions stably and you can let go of all the burdens that are within you.
#606 - September 13, 2023, 09:13:11 AM

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The emotions that we can release in our minds in our bodies are things that really have the potential to make us calmer because usually what makes us unable to control ourselves psychologically is high emotions, someone who has high emotions will not be able to do trading comfortably because emotions are basically negative attitudes that can ruin our dreams when we can't have stable emotions, therefore we don't want to be defeated by emotions, we have to be able to let go of the emotions and burdens and anger that are in our bodies and Make all of this a good thing so that we can be more effective in gaining profits.
#607 - September 14, 2023, 09:07:43 AM

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Letting go of emotions is one effective way so that you don't get too emotional when trading forex. especially when you are failing because when you let go of your emotions right then and there the burden on your mind will be able to disappear when you are emotional. You should stop first, don't let your emotions turn into anger which makes you take revenge because of when. If you take revenge, you will definitely do something negative that can make your account MC
#608 - September 15, 2023, 09:18:35 AM

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Letting go of high emotions I think it's something you should do when you are experiencing high emotions because of that emotion. high and unstable tends to make you unable to trade carefully and with certainty. when you haven't let go of those emotions and you can't be patient. When you accept failure, it will happen. makes you take revenge, therefore it is very important to let go of your emotions when you fail because only then will the atmosphere return to stability and normality.
#609 - September 16, 2023, 09:48:32 AM

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Many people don't realize that when they let go of their emotions, they can actually calm down because when they let go of our emotions, immediately our burden will be reduced even though we are still emotional, maybe because we lost or we MC, that's normal, but what I mean is here, when we can let go of our emotions, we can use the time effectively to immediately evaluate and not drag on being sad even though it's like that because in my opinion, when we become more emotional, we won't be able to think rationally and this will make things worse when the time comes. we use it, it's wasted. Just for trivial problems like this, it would be wiser for us to use the time we use to evaluate well and so that it's better for us to trade in the right way while fixing all the things we think are wrong.
#610 - September 17, 2023, 10:26:13 AM

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It is human nature having emotion, however control emotion is very essential in forex trading because often when trader follow emotion hence the decision made only based on luck, sometimes greedy because desired to recover loss immediately.
#611 - September 17, 2023, 09:11:23 PM

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Emotions are a bad thing to involve in forex trading. Pent-up negative emotions actually become stuck energy in the body. Pent-up emotional vibrations cause certain body tissues to vibrate to produce resonance. As a result, these negative emotions become more intense and accumulate.
#612 - September 18, 2023, 12:26:58 AM

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The more you can release your emotions well the more you show them. Your talent is to trade with stable emotions because when emotions control you then you will not be free to explore activities. You as a trader because an emotional person will not find it easy to make the effort that emotional people always do. negative methods that are not in line with their path, they always do anything to get the wrong benefit. So you must be able to try to let go of negative emotions and become a stable trader.
#613 - September 18, 2023, 09:22:28 AM

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Letting go of emotions is the most important part so that you can have good psychology that you can use to trade because this also allows you to regulate all situations to be more stable. When you fail, it's best not to get too emotional, the most important thing here is to focus on improving your trading method. significantly, therefore, as a professional trader, you are obliged to keep your emotions stable and clear
#614 - September 19, 2023, 09:09:22 AM

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Journaling is one way to release emotions in a positive way. By doing this, you are actually writing down your mistakes when you trade forex.
#615 - September 19, 2023, 01:46:22 PM


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