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Release Emotions

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Journaling is one way to release emotions in a positive way. By doing this, you are actually writing down your mistakes when you trade forex.
Trading forex in uncertainty market conditions will involved emotion as human nature, if we can't discipline in trading and often reckless, emotion will making bad decision the cause of failure, control emotion is important to prevent bad decision
#616 - September 19, 2023, 10:03:00 PM

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Letting go of your emotions when we are experiencing defeat is something we have to do so that we can maintain a balance between our psychology and our own thoughts because it is very dangerous. When you are emotional when you are trading, it could be that later you do and express your emotions by replying. revenge uses high transactions using large lot volumes. Don't let this happen to you. It's best if you fail. You have to go back to your original plan. You have to stop first and plan a new momentum.
#617 - September 20, 2023, 08:57:33 AM

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Before you carry out trading activities, you must be able to regulate your psychology and thoughts first so that later when you do forex trading you can let go of your emotions. When you don't make a profit, this is very important so that you can control your behavior so as not to do negative things when You lose because there are many incidents when a trader loses, they are always emotional and take revenge in the wrong way, therefore it is important to let go of emotions so that you can become a trader who is not too emotional.
#618 - September 21, 2023, 09:06:23 AM

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The more you are able to let go of your emotions when you are emotional or angry, it will make your mind more stable because basically every person who trades must be able to do things so as not to get too emotional because we all know that the use of forex trading will definitely taking a lot of risks will take a lot of time, therefore we have to be able to manage our emotions and our psychology well so that we don't get emotional easily.
#619 - September 23, 2023, 07:38:58 AM

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Releasing Emotions is an activity that we have to do when we are emotional, when we are feeling a deep burden, when we fail to make a profit or our Open position cannot produce results, of course everyone will be emotional and I guarantee that will happen to everyone, including professionals but what is different is the way we hold it all in. A professional will find it very easy to release emotions. Even though they fail, they are different from beginners who tend to get emotional and take revenge when they lose, therefore we must be able to learn to let go of emotions.
#620 - September 24, 2023, 09:07:14 AM

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When you can release your emotions well when you can't. Getting profits is the best way we have to do so that when we can let go of emotions. The hope is that our psychology will not be destroyed because failure will definitely make us emotional, but we can stabilize those emotions or even make us emotional, therefore we have to know that trading is certain. There is a high risk of losing, but if you have high enthusiasm, good psychology and especially have a stable management method, you can make a profit without having to get emotional.
#621 - September 25, 2023, 09:03:46 AM

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Releasing emotions is an activity that we are obliged to do. well, when we trade forex and we lose, of course we are emotional, that is normal, but the level of emotion should not exceed the limit so that when you can. control your emotions well then you can think this is all a normal thing but when you can't let go of your emotions then you. consider this defeat as the beginning of your destruction. Even though all of this is trading, there is definitely a profit or loss, so there is no need to panic too much about this problem
#622 - September 26, 2023, 08:58:27 AM

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Believe it or not, releasing those emotions can make you less dizzy. think about your goals or targets when trading forex because when you let go of your emotions, but all the burdens you carry will make you relax when you win. If you fail, you will also relax when you do the analysis. You will also relax, so you should be able to do it when trading forex. just act normal. Let's just say this is a business that does have high risks but is run in a normal way so you don't get too excited
#623 - September 28, 2023, 08:38:32 AM

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The emotions that we release are negative thoughts that we have to throw away. In fact, there is no problem with someone's emotions because emotions are innate to humans, but what makes us lose is the emotions that we cannot stabilize ourselves, the emotions that make us gain things. negative things, therefore as traders we must be able to control our emotions well, don't let those emotions make us become unwise, unprofessional people when trading, so it would be good if emotions that are too severe should be able to let go of them so that they don't interfere with our lives. to fight.
#624 - September 29, 2023, 09:06:57 AM

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Letting go of emotions is the best way so that you don't get stressed easily because in the world of trading you are very vulnerable, you can get stressed, you can get angry, you can do things that are actually forbidden to use, so that's why emotions usually come when we fail, when our position is floating minus, that's where Our emotions will be tested, but when you have a strong mentality, you have good psychology. I think it's quite easy for you to control your emotions and let go of your emotions so that when you trade you can run perfectly, that's why you need a long practice in this matter.
#625 - September 30, 2023, 09:33:29 AM

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every time there is emotion, then every time you have to be able to let go of the emotion that you are doing because in my opinion when you are emotional, the burden on your mind becomes more and you will not be able to get what you want because you are an emotional person. It's best not to do any activities. People who are emotional should just sit quietly while calming themselves, therefore we must be able to learn to let go of emotions when we trade so that when we analyze when we make a decision to open a position it is not accompanied by emotion.
#626 - October 01, 2023, 09:17:46 AM

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the more you are able to let go. your emotions the more you are not burdened with trading activities because you obey. I feel emotional in forex trading is useless because you will anyway. keep doing forex trading in a better way so don't waste your time and energy. just for a moment of emotion, it's better for you to use it to improve everything. problems that you do and improve your trading method well because that's what emotions are. something negative that we must avoid when we do business or other work, including forex trading
#627 - October 02, 2023, 09:12:53 AM

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As traders, we should be able to learn to let go of our own emotions. When we learn to let go of emotions, we must know that emotions cannot be completely eliminated because it is something that is natural to humans, but we can reduce the emotional level. We need to be able to think logically and be patient, therefore we must be able to train our patience in forex trading when we fail. That way we can stay focused on planning the trade well and not be too affected by doing better analysis.
#628 - October 03, 2023, 09:04:12 AM

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Indeed, emotions within us need to be released so that they disappear, because if we leave them, they will settle in the subconscious mind and if this continues, over time our soul will be full.
#629 - October 03, 2023, 12:45:03 PM

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The characteristics of patient people are that they can let go of emotions when they can't get any benefits because people who can let go of emotions are people who have a high level of psychology. We can all let go of emotions just like that, especially when you are the MC or you don't get it. Your profit or Open position is subject to stop loss, therefore, when you want to become a professional, you must be able to let go of emotions that are not important. You must be able to learn to control your emotions stably. You must be able to let go of any money that you do not gain or lose. but you have to promise yourself that you have to be more enthusiastic about learning
#630 - October 04, 2023, 09:03:34 AM


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