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Release Emotions

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Of course, emotions in trading will be an obstacle for you to be successful in this field. Emotional burdens need to be released so that you can be calm in carrying out trading that produces profits.
#631 - October 05, 2023, 12:34:44 AM

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Emotions are something that can make us feel confused because when these emotions control us, we will not think positively, we will think negatively, especially when we have a lot of problems and we experience defeat, of course we will do everything we can so that we can make big profits. This is the kind of thing we encounter a lot, therefore it is very important for us to learn to let go of emotions from the smallest ones. When we open a position, we are hit by a stop loss. We have to be patient. We have to be able to let go of emotions. That way we can learn to be patient.
#632 - October 05, 2023, 08:21:44 AM

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conditions where you have to be able to release your emotions well. You have to be willing to do that for your own comfort because people who can't release their emotions well, then that person will always get into trouble. They are always emotional. When we make a mistake or our position is at a loss, we have to be able to controlling our emotions we must be able to apply management well, therefore it is very important for us to really manage our risks so that we can reduce risks well and we don't get emotional easily later
#633 - October 06, 2023, 08:51:52 AM

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the emotions that have been released will form a good system for yourself because emotions are something that must be released, don't let the emotions become a burden for you when you do forex trading because of the emotions that you continue to hold in and you can't Releasing these emotions will become a parasite on ourselves and we will get used to getting angry and complaining and in the end we won't be able to concentrate, let alone get consistent profits, therefore have a way to release emotions appropriately.
#634 - October 07, 2023, 08:03:36 AM

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the emotions that you can release with pleasure is an extraordinary thing which not everyone can because people easily release emotions that they will not be bothered by looking at past experiences they only see the future they don't focus on failure but they focus on improvement so who can always release emotions well, then that person will always enjoy the process well, therefore we must be able to be people who can be emotional and not complain for the sake of our future because that way we will get extraordinary results which we can do. for something better
#635 - October 08, 2023, 08:32:08 AM

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I like emotions so this month I have to recover a lot. I will let go of my trading emotions so I can recover.
#636 - October 08, 2023, 11:22:24 AM

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Letting go of emotions is one of the right steps when you don't have a way to control yourself. You have to be able to imagine that if we don't let go of emotions, our money will run out, everything will be destroyed, your dreams will be destroyed, so in the future you will definitely think logically to be able to let go. everything you do is because when we don't let go of emotions it will always be in our minds and it will make us shackled and it will be difficult for us to get big profits, therefore when we want to be successful people we have to try to let go of emotions because we know that everything doesn't always match our expectations
#637 - October 09, 2023, 09:43:24 AM

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Emotions are necessary in everything because all humans have emotions, but if emotions are too excessive then it is not good and it is very necessary to control those emotions.
#638 - October 09, 2023, 10:55:12 AM

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When you can always release your emotions in a stable manner, this action will make you feel comfortable when carrying out activities. Releasing the emotions that are within us can make us think positively, we can regulate our psychology in a stable way. We ensure emotions when we fail. But what about when If we fail, we are still strong enough to face trading well. We must be confident in our strength. We must be confident in what we have experienced, that we can still and have the opportunity to become a professional.
#639 - October 10, 2023, 08:32:44 AM

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Emotions in forex trading must be controlled. The most common emotions traders experience include fear, nervousness, confidence, excitement, greed, and overconfidence.
#640 - October 10, 2023, 08:34:59 AM

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When you let go of your emotions, you will get great results for yourself because people who are easy to let go of emotions are people who have the courage to face something that is wrong, dare to face something that is difficult because basically we don't need emotions when we fail. We still have a lot of time to make improvements, we still have a lot of time to return our capital. We should be connected. You are a greedy person, maybe you want something fast. You want to make a profit every day. That's the reason why trading doesn't have to be a profit every day. The important thing is that your capital is safe. that is enough
#641 - October 11, 2023, 08:18:53 AM

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Sometimes emotions really become a burden for us when we can't let go of our emotions when we lose or MC because it cannot be denied that when we lose we will always be emotional, that's normal, but we also have to know that our life is not only for now. We You also have to be able to think about the future, when we can let go of our emotions, there is still time for us to fix ourselves, there is still plenty of time to fix our own system, therefore, like it or not, you have to be able to accept your defeat and let go of these emotions so that later you can turn into a professional and can continue trading again.
#642 - October 13, 2023, 08:37:04 AM

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one good step so that you can let go of emotions is to be sincere because when a trader can be sincere about what they got even though it failed they will be able to do their best to try to fix it well but when you can't let go of emotions wisely then you will  If you continue to have problems, you will continue to get bad results regarding your psychology and it could be that you will take revenge in the wrong way
#643 - October 14, 2023, 08:26:11 AM

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For the record release those emotions. is the most important thing that we have to use when trading forex because when we can. releasing emotions well, we will be comfortable carrying out any activity, emotions are shackles for us so that we cannot move forward because emotions will generate negative energy. makes it easier for us to complain, easier to be disappointed, doesn't support any of our own activities, therefore we must be able to be emotional. We must be able to stabilize the pressure well so that it doesn't interfere with our activities.
#644 - October 15, 2023, 09:03:36 AM

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So this is how emotions sometimes just appear when we get something that doesn't meet our expectations, therefore it's important to manage your psychology and it's very important to regulate how you do it so you don't complain too much when faced with a situation like that. You have to be able to instill that trading attitude. It will make you rich if you are consistent, but in trading there are bound to be wins and losses. So you have to understand that problem. When you lose, you have to be able to control your emotions. You have to be able to control your emotions. Let's just say that this is a part of trading that doesn't match our analysis and we have to be able to try to think positively, therefore it's best if we want to become a professional, we have to be able to suppress emotions well, we have to be able to release emotions well.
#645 - October 16, 2023, 08:44:30 AM


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