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Release Emotions

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Human nature has emotion, in trading emotion appears usually for many reasons. However, basically, emotion appears because of something out of expectation, open buy but the price drops, open sell but the price rises, hit stop loss, panic, etc. How to control emotion one way is trading based trading plan.
#676 - November 07, 2023, 09:22:52 PM

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When you let go of your emotions there you will find happiness because when a trader doesn't let go of their emotions then they are always depressed when they lose they are always emotional, so I am sure they will not be able to find certainty and will not find comfort, therefore emotions should be released so that You can trade well without having to be emotional anymore
#677 - November 09, 2023, 07:40:07 AM

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Letting go of emotions is something that is very important and very ideal to do because after all, letting go of emotions will provide great benefits and will provide a good way so that you don't get too stressed when facing difficult trading because when you fail you will definitely get emotional and that It's human as a normal person, but that doesn't mean you always hold back your emotions. You have to be able to let it go. You have to be able to accept everything gracefully and try again well.
#678 - November 10, 2023, 07:52:15 AM

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Therefore, you have to know how to let go of emotions well, don't just have a desire without actually applying it, because I think letting go of emotions is an important thing.
#679 - November 10, 2023, 07:56:11 AM

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Releasing emotions will make us more comfortable when trading forex because in my opinion, if we are able to release emotions well, we will reach a point of perfection in thinking and we will definitely have a stable psychology. Emotions are an action that is within us. but emotions are not a division of problems, in fact, when you are emotional, everything will fall apart, therefore we must be able to realize that we must be able to overcome the loss so that we can also let go of our emotions.
#680 - November 11, 2023, 07:44:08 AM

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I understand what you mean because not everyone can regulate their emotions well. Most people will become stressed and become emotional when they experience floating minus or MC, therefore all of this requires experience, requires practice, requires a strong mentality when facing market situations and when you do forex trading. You have to get used to letting go of your emotions so that you don't have high expectations. Just think of this business as a side business. Just think of this business as an investment, so when you fail or make a profit, you will be normal, so don't have too high expectations until you can trade perfectly. I believe in pursuing a high lover with passion. The big thing is that you can control your emotions well and you can let go of your emotions when you fail in forex trading because it's all just a matter of time and habit.
#681 - November 12, 2023, 09:34:55 AM

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Trading needs calm minds to analyze the market and create a trading plan. If we can trade with a plan, hence minimizing emotion in trading, despite not all plan trading will end profit, but at least we can manage the risk properly, which is very important for long-term success.
#682 - November 12, 2023, 09:57:15 PM

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If you are serious about pursuing the forex trading business from the start you learn. You must be able to try to let go of your emotions. Let go of your emotions to want to get rich quickly. Let go of your emotions to be greedy. Let go of your emotions to not want to lose. You must eliminate all of that. You must be able to learn to be patient. You must can learn to accept You must be able to learn to accept everything you get, whether it is profit or loss, because that way you will be able to gain peace of mind, you will be happy, you will be consistent when you analyze your limits. Open a position when you are floating minus. You must be able to learning to accept well you must be able to learn to be sincere. You must be able to learn to let go of emotions related to anything. What is important in forex trading is not to have emotions
#683 - November 13, 2023, 09:01:27 AM

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It often happens to us that when we do analysis or open positions we always use emotions because when we use emotions we will become people who cannot control our psychology when we analyze and it is not in accordance with what we planned. We have to be able to accept it. it is something that is impossible for us to control, sometimes market conditions can be against us, not according to our system and we have to be able to understand that letting go of emotions will make us calmer and accept any results well. We have to be able to be a trader. who is willing to accept whatever it is
#684 - November 14, 2023, 08:18:54 AM

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Someone who can always let go of emotions when analyzing or opening positions is the type of trader who has no burdens and I really like people like this because they trade seriously but stably because they know that if we hold on to emotions it will become a burden so from that when we do forex trading. We have to know that emotions will make us lose, therefore it is important to regulate emotions and let go of emotions when we trade. The problem of profit or loss results is left to the system and market conditions. The important thing is that we know how to trade well and we understand then. carry out trades appropriately without having to be emotional
#685 - November 15, 2023, 08:31:48 AM

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Every time you want to open an open position, you should be able to let go of your emotions in a stable way because by letting go of your emotions you won't be burdened with all your work. You will just analyze then wait for the momentum then place a stop loss and take profit. Then you don't have to do anything. You don't need to keep checking MT4. You don't have to keep looking at MT4. Later, when you are constantly like that, you won't be able to concentrate, which can bring out your emotions.
#686 - November 16, 2023, 08:36:52 AM

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Releasing emotions is an activity that we have to do as traders. It may not be a difficult thing because in my opinion releasing emotions depends on our thoughts, for example like this. When you have capital of 100 dollars, you lose 10 dollars. You can choose whether you are emotional or whether you want to all of that is quickly forgotten and you focus on getting better profits. In my opinion this is a mindset but when you choose to let go of emotions then you will not focus on the past you will focus on the future where it will make you become more comfortable
#687 - November 18, 2023, 08:35:42 AM

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When you let go of your emotions, everything becomes more comfortable, everything becomes more organized. Letting go of your emotions will provide benefits so that you can trade with good habits because by letting go of your emotions you won't think about your losses. In fact, when you let go of your emotions you can be stable in doing so. trading You can trade with comfort from before. Emotions are momentary, so don't let these momentary emotions destroy your dreams as a professional.
#688 - November 19, 2023, 08:28:52 AM

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It may be a little difficult to explain the concept of letting go of trading emotions because the potential for emotions in trading to become an obstacle will still exist. but to let go of emotions is to realize and accept your feelings. Identify the emotions you are experiencing and recognize that emotions are a natural reaction to a situation.
#689 - November 20, 2023, 12:44:02 AM

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A foreign exchange trader who is able to let go of emotions every time their efforts are not in accordance with the system and not in accordance with the trading plan means that person is certain to have a very well-organized psychology because not many people can be like that. Most people are emotional. Most people definitely take revenge by committing crimes. many Open positions using large lots but when you are able to let go of your emotions and you consider this as a test and you are calm enough to trade again after learning then I salute people like that because that is the attitude that ultimately makes us successful
#690 - November 20, 2023, 08:22:16 AM


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