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Release Emotions

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When we trade and we lose, we are obliged to let go of our own emotions because if we don't let go of our own emotions, we will always be unable to move on, we will not be able to forget the defeat, we become stressed people, we become angry people, even though  In my opinion, this is something that doesn't need to be done when we lose and we can let go of our emotions, our minds will be calm and that's the time we can use effectively to re-learn to re-evaluate, that is the best solution rather than holding back your emotions which are not  able to make us successful people.
#691 - November 21, 2023, 08:30:09 AM

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We should always be grateful for the results we get in this forex business and we must avoid emotions and must be able to let them go and need to know. Letting go of emotions takes time and practice. Don't give up if you can't release your emotions immediately. Try to keep using the techniques mentioned above and you will see the results.
#692 - November 22, 2023, 01:43:06 AM

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Releasing emotions is clearly very necessary when we trade without releasing emotions, we will probably become people who always panic, become people who are always afraid and become people who are always emotional, when we fail, that's when the initial destruction will come to you, that's why it's very important. to understand a way to let go of your emotions when you are in a difficult situation or under pressure because in my opinion, letting go of your emotions is the first way for you to be free from the circle of emotions that bind you.
#693 - November 23, 2023, 08:17:13 AM

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When you let go of emotions, you will have a healthy mind, so you have good thoughts in forex trading, therefore it is very important for us to take advantage of the fact that emotions must be stable when you trade foreign exchange and you find something that makes you  It's difficult to progress so you have to be able to think in a stable state. When you fail you also have to have a good and clear mind so that everything can be resolved with a cool head.  So when you fail, don't be emotional, don't be angry, the important thing is that you do your best to make improvements.
#694 - November 24, 2023, 08:15:47 AM

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The way to make yourself calm and comfortable when trading is that you have to be able to let go of your emotions. Never let go of your emotions to take an open position or analyze. If you don't have the right skills to open a position, it's best not to open a position that day.  secondly, when you fail you also have to be able to be sincere by letting go of your emotions because that way you will get used to not being emotional and in the end you will become a professional and wise person.
#695 - November 25, 2023, 08:09:52 AM

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If you want to control your emotions, don't be greedy and be patient, use a lot size that suits your capital strength. The recipe for success turned out to be not difficult to follow and that is what changed my current mindset. Emotions are an important point that has a much bigger influence on the success of forex trading.
#696 - November 25, 2023, 09:00:06 AM

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We really have to be able to let go of emotions when you are trading, because when you are trading, whether you are analyzing an open position or have made a profit or loss, never be emotional, especially when you are analyzing and opening a position, because usually the person who opens the position is emotional.  Maybe you're waiting for a long time or maybe you can't trade well, so don't do it the wrong way when you're emotional in a way that I think is difficult.
#697 - November 26, 2023, 08:17:15 AM

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after you have created a trading system and when you are ready to trade with real money you must be able to let go of emotions when you analyze when you open a position and when you wait for momentum don't let emotions bother you so you don't feel comfortable trading with analysis  because most people always open lots of positions without waiting for the momentum first, we have to be able to release these emotions, we have to be patient, the more we can release emotions well, we will be calm when we are floating minus. We also have to be able to be calm. Don't let the emotions make us  scrambling
#698 - November 27, 2023, 08:19:42 AM

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I noticed that in the trading community there are many traders who are difficult to control their emotions and many make margin calls because of emotions. It is easier to manage finances in each open position compared to traders who control their emotions.
#699 - November 27, 2023, 10:58:22 AM

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Emotions can make us become other people into people who seem to have no system and no rules. Emotions can change disciplined people to be more greedy. They can turn smart people into stupid people who always do the wrong thing. That's why it's very important to let go of emotions. Sometimes I  Seeing that the most important thing here is not that we are smart, not that we can control management, not that we are able to analyze well, but our ability to create stable emotions, our ability to trade by releasing emotions without burden. When you analyze or open a position, that is what is needed here Actually
#700 - November 28, 2023, 08:22:46 AM

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I think letting go of emotions will be able to lead us to success. when we trade with this involved it is the same and no different from gambling in my opinion, and this will not be able to make us successful and last longer in this forex world because with these emotions everything will be disturbed when we enter the forex market .
#701 - November 28, 2023, 11:31:35 AM

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Releasing your emotions will make it easier for you to compete well, the emotions you can make stable, the emotions you can release will make you comfortable to carry out trading activities because when you can't make your emotions stable, you can't let go of your emotions then you will become stuffy.  become stressed and cannot carry out activities with a calm mind because every trade has profits and losses, therefore we must be able to understand when we lose and don't be too emotional, the important thing is that we know that evaluation is important to do.
#702 - November 29, 2023, 08:06:41 AM

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In my opinion, releasing emotions is an important thing that we have to do when we trade. Releasing emotions will have a significant impact on us so that we can think clearly, not get emotional and not complain because if we don't let go of these emotions, they will continue to dwell within us.  and that will interfere with our performance as traders. When we carry out analysis or open positions, we must be able to throw away these emotions so that we can concentrate on making profits in a comfortable atmosphere.
#703 - December 02, 2023, 07:56:25 AM

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Forex trading is a business, so it is natural that we have to let go of emotions in the forex business, but for every obstacle and difficulty there must be a way out, we must try so as not to cause something fatal and detrimental even though we can let go of emotions in forex trading.
#704 - December 02, 2023, 08:02:25 AM

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When you are able to let go of your emotions when you fail, that is one way so that you are not too emotional. When you face a situation like that, emotions when we fail are natural when they appear, but we as humans who have knowledge and have common sense should not  too emotional because we still have many opportunities to change all that, we still have many opportunities to evaluate.  So you have to be able to save your energy for something more useful than just momentary emotions
#705 - December 05, 2023, 07:58:11 AM


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