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Release Emotions

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The emotions that we release will make us comfortable in carrying out trading and carrying out daily activities because these emotions will lead us to bad things when we don't release these emotions. Therefore, in my opinion, it is more important to use stable emotions or at least let go of heavy emotions.  which makes us get bad because after all emotions need to be thrown away so that we can carry out trading comfortably
#706 - December 08, 2023, 07:15:09 AM

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Releasing emotions is an important activity that you have to do when you trade forex. By releasing good emotions, it could be that later you will find it easy to trade without any emotions at all because when you keep holding back those emotions in your mind, you won't.  will be able to progress and that will actually make it difficult for you to trade, therefore I recommend always using stable emotions and psychology so that you can carry out trading with accurate results.
#707 - December 09, 2023, 05:54:21 AM

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Someone who can always release their emotions well is the type of person who doesn't think short term and always carries out activities with good practice because when that person can't release their emotions and always thinks about defeat without considering the future.  In my opinion it would be a waste of time. In fact, you have to be a person who knows how to do it quickly to trade well. When you lose, you have to immediately throw away sad thoughts, angry thoughts, disappointed thoughts. What you have to think about here is how you will be successful in the future.
#708 - December 12, 2023, 08:20:02 AM

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We are required to be able to release our emotions well because when we are able to release our emotions well then we will get a lot of things, gain a lot of experience which makes us feel comfortable in rating and this is so that we can not get emotional easily when we lose because when we lose we lose.  We will definitely be emotional and that's natural, but at least we can be psychologically stable so that when we carry out our trading we are fine financially and psychologically.
#709 - December 14, 2023, 07:48:00 AM

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by letting go of emotions you can get a lot of experience and a lot of changes, so later you will get lots of opportunities to be successful. Letting go of emotions will make you focus on trading without high emotions. Good psychological management, letting go of emotions will also form a professional personality so that you  being able to trade even if you lose even if you lose is not a burden
#710 - December 15, 2023, 07:55:20 AM

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Emotions must be released so that they don't bother you when carrying out your forex trading work activities. Usually these emotions will be shackled in your mind when you can't control your psychology or maybe you become a greedy person and become a selfish person who doesn't care about management.  Usually these emotions will appear, especially when you lose, so it is important to let go of these emotions so that they don't always burden you so that they don't always bother you in your work because emotions that are constantly in your mind will automatically make you lose your temper and do something negative harm yourself
#711 - December 16, 2023, 07:41:51 AM

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Letting go of our emotions must be applied from the start when we enter the world of forex. Strengthening this sense of discipline will make our trading methods better and of course the results we will get will also get better. There is no point if we trade when we are always emotional, because it will only harm us in the future if we trade with emotions.
#712 - December 16, 2023, 08:42:02 AM

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When you carry out Forex trading we are not free from emotions when we are emotional, so we must be able to focus on carrying out trades well without emotions because what makes us fail is usually uncontrolled emotions and the difficulty of maintaining psychological emotions is certainly present in everyone but  the ability to let go of emotions depends on their strength. Think of emotions as a stepping stone. Just think of your defeat as a lesson, so there's no need to get too emotional. When you fail, just do your best, make appropriate changes.
#713 - December 19, 2023, 06:57:34 AM

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Letting go of our emotions is what we do when we are trading and making a trading plan, don't let it happen when you trade using lots that are too large because that is what is called trading that involves emotions which will make your account have a margin call.
#714 - December 19, 2023, 12:06:11 PM

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When you are able to let go of emotions then you can make yourself take positive actions. Releasing emotions will make us think normally again and become a human being who can control our desires and circumstances because when we are emotional we definitely won't be able to.  By doing positive things, we definitely won't be able to solve problems well when you lose. I'm sure you've read that emotions are normal, but this is how we can still control these emotions so they can be released properly.
#715 - December 24, 2023, 09:24:34 AM

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One way that we can be free from great anger, free from emotions that make us unable to trade well, is to let go of it sincerely, patiently, and accept our failure. Because after all, we are running a high-risk business, so like it or not, when we  If we fail, we also have to be able to accept emotions. It's normal, but don't make it a habit every time you experience a loss because that can make you stressed. So the point in this case is that what I want to say is learn to be sincere, learn to be patient.
#716 - January 01, 2024, 09:11:52 AM

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One way that we can be free from great anger, free from emotions that make us unable to trade well, is to let go of it sincerely, patiently, and accept our failure. Because after all, we are running a high-risk business, so like it or not, when we  If we fail, we also have to be able to accept emotions. It's normal, but don't make it a habit every time you experience a loss because that can make you stressed. So the point in this case is that what I want to say is learn to be sincere, learn to be patient.

We will need to remain free from Emotions when doing our trading so that the income we are going to get will also get increased and in turn make us better traders.
#717 - January 01, 2024, 11:43:53 AM

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Releasing emotions is an important activity where every trader must have stable emotions so that when they face unpleasant situations such as experiencing losses they can release these emotions well because the key to success is actually a stable psychological problem.  Emotionally stable. You can trade comfortably. Don't complain easily. Don't easily do things that are beyond your limits, such as spending your capital by opening excessive positions.
#718 - January 04, 2024, 08:24:54 AM

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The secret to successful trading is when we can let go of our emotions and I think everyone knows that, but the problem with applying this in practice is that sometimes there are some people who find it very difficult to let go of their emotions when trading, even though they know that it is a dangerous thing.
#719 - January 04, 2024, 08:32:49 AM

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A trader who is able to release his emotions in a stable manner and is able to maintain a stable balance will get comfort in his life when carrying out a job because when you can get happiness like that, then you will never complain, never get emotional and can calm your own mind.  If you lose you will just smile and do analysis.  Every action you take by releasing your emotions well will end positively. So that's the advantage. When you can maintain your emotions well, whatever you do, you will definitely get the best solution.
#720 - January 09, 2024, 08:14:53 AM


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