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Rising From Mistakes

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recovering from a mistake is one thing. which is indeed an important thing for us to do because when mistakes make us fail, we fail. Giving up makes us lazy, that means we lose with ourselves. We must be able to become a person full of confidence. By getting up, we must be able to become a person full of confidence. high motivation, when we fail, you have to take the mistake as normal. You have to take it as a mistake. The general thing is that you will continue to try and continue to make improvements in every failure that you make
#661 - September 01, 2023, 09:40:07 AM

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the feeling of rising from a mistake must be in your mind when you MC or you are hit by a stop loss because when you don't have that feeling then at that point you will give up and you will never feel that forex trading is enjoyable When you can be consistent Because We really have to use the feeling of getting up to walk to move forward to stand up so that we have a sense of enthusiasm for trading. You have to keep getting up when you encounter failure and don't ever give up at all
#662 - September 03, 2023, 09:22:33 AM

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rising from mistakes is indeed very important for us to use as. Even better learning materials, mistakes that you have accepted and you can recover well, that means you already have enthusiasm. new things that can make you learn the right way because when you don't want to get up, it will be very difficult. to make you enthusiastic again because the beginning of successful people is to get up when they fail and this is what makes them know that we have to be able to stand up and keep fighting
#663 - September 04, 2023, 09:31:45 AM

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The strength to rise from mistakes will emerge when you have the motivation and responsibility to. fix When you have the responsibility to improve for sure you will rise and. solve any problems or obstacles that you face because of that when we do forex trading. We must have a character or attitude like that when we don't have a feeling of desire. get up then when we feel like we have failed once or twice we will give up and that is a big mistake that we must avoid.
#664 - September 05, 2023, 09:28:48 AM

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Someone who wants to be successful in the world of trading must be able to rise above. mistakes or rising from a high sense of guilt because when you continue to feel conditional without any evaluation or improvement it is useless because what is needed now is firmness from you to do something better and before you were wrong but that doesn't mean you give up and. continue to explain yourself, the most important thing here is to focus on pursuing your dreams properly. If indeed you are wrong and it causes you to lose, it is natural that what is important here is to correct and evaluate each of our actions that are wrong and replace them with newer, better ones.
#665 - September 06, 2023, 10:10:52 AM

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Mistakes in forex trading is common thing, however we can take lesson from these mistakes and tries to overcome the mistakes to improve trading strategy, focus on one trading strategy gives more effective learning.
#666 - September 06, 2023, 09:26:23 PM

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Rising is an action where you can use your psychology well because you believe that. when you fail there is still hope to be able to work well again and one of the initial actions is to get up accompanied by the intention to change because. someone who doesn't dare to get up then they won't be able to meet good things, they won't dare to show that they are still there. have potential or a second chance to get their success so when you get a problem you have to dare to get up
#667 - September 08, 2023, 09:10:27 AM

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We must be able to use this mistake by rising up because of your awakening when you have achieved it. serious failure is very useful and here you definitely need motivation and when you are motivated to recover from mistakes that's where you are. Becoming a new person is where you will find that you can still do it and you still have hope for success and you don't need to worry about this problem.
#668 - September 09, 2023, 08:23:08 AM

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The mistakes you make and you can rise from situations like that means you can trade in the right way. Many people cannot rise above their own mistakes. Many people choose to give up rather than get up. In my opinion here, rising up is one of the first times you made a mistake. One of your intentions is for you to become better and you must emphasize this because if you don't get up then all your dreams will be useless. So make sure everything you do starts by getting up when you fail
#669 - September 10, 2023, 08:32:03 AM

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Implement your improvement plan with determination and discipline. This step may require some effort and time. Once you've identified the lesson from the mistake, create an action plan to correct it.
#670 - September 10, 2023, 12:34:25 PM

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Don't think too much about something that's wrong. In my opinion, when you always think about your mistakes and can't recover from your mistakes, it actually makes you stressed. People who care about themselves will always get up and not feel guilty. Therefore, we must be able to condition our thoughts so that we can reduce this risk well. When you feel that you are going to make a mistake, you have to get up. You have to motivate your own mind at that time so that you can move forward, walk, be able to carry out trading activities well again.
#671 - September 11, 2023, 09:29:34 AM

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Constantly blaming yourself is one of the things that can make it difficult for you to recover from past mistakes. Therefore, from now on, learn to forgive yourself. We need to learn more to be successful in forex trading.
#672 - September 11, 2023, 11:27:27 PM

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Someone who is willing to rise above mistakes and rise above.  His own downturn is the type of person who works hard.  I like people like this because I don't like people.  who are lazy and I don't like people who give up easily, so those who always get up when they fail, when they are haunted by guilt or get into a lot of problems, are people who are strong and.  I'm sure people like this will one day be very successful because they won't want to give up before.  get results and people like this will be suitable when trading which is full of risk.
#673 - September 12, 2023, 09:23:44 AM

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I prefer someone who is even though they are not very smart. do trading. Even though they often fail, they always get up, they can always never give up. The condition is that people who are professional but cannot have a strong mentality when they fail once. would do the wrong thing I prefer people like me. Mention it at the beginning because I think when we. If we make a mistake, we have to get up, we have to show that we can still have other ways to get money
#674 - September 13, 2023, 08:58:12 AM

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Rising from that mistake will make your life more normal again because when someone. If they make a mistake, they will definitely feel sad and that sadness will make them unable to continue living well when you do. If you make a mistake in the world of trading, you should be able to get up first. When you get up later you can make improvements to what you have done and it all takes time. But believe me, everything will be beautiful in time.
#675 - September 14, 2023, 08:52:41 AM


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