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Rising From Mistakes

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Rising from that mistake will make you more comfortable. Why are you comfortable because when you rise there is still hope for you to become someone. big in the future when you rise then there is still hope for you to get more results when you rise that is what you will. find that you really deserve to get big results, the important thing is that you are willing to try and you want to. to trade in a new way so that later you can focus on trading with a better method.
#676 - September 15, 2023, 09:45:23 AM

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rising from that mistake will definitely. makes us feel better because when we can recover from mistakes we will be motivated to always trade in the right way. People who dare to recover from mistakes are people who have a brave mentality. mentally strong people who always want to try desperately to pursue what they do and I really do. agree with this so I hope all traders, especially beginners, when you fail, you have to get up, you have to be brave to take the right steps
#677 - September 17, 2023, 09:21:46 AM

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Rising from mistakes is the best attitude we can take so that we don't give up too much in this life. Rising from mistakes is a mandatory situation that we must do when we encounter failure in forex trading. We must be able to do this. focus on doing the best because when we are wrong and we don't want to get up, we will know that our future is still long, there is still hope for us to trade well and we must be able to do this in a more appropriate situation
#678 - September 18, 2023, 09:08:13 AM

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When you are wrong, immediately admit your mistake. Maybe you were distracted or burdened at that time, but that doesn't change the reality of the results of your actions. Don't blame other people.
#679 - September 20, 2023, 02:40:20 AM

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Rising from mistakes is something we have to do because when we can rise from mistakes it indicates that we have a good way to evaluate carefully because someone who has good intentions to succeed when they fail they must be obliged to rise because that is the The main thing is that apart from carrying out an evaluation, when you get up, you will definitely be motivated to be more enthusiastic about learning and this will make you continue to go further to be successful in the future.
#680 - September 21, 2023, 08:36:56 AM

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Why is there a discussion about having to rise from mistakes because most people when they make a mistake they become lazy, they complain, they become sad, in the end they don't want to trade anymore, that's why there are words to rise from mistakes, which means that when we make a mistake, we have to get up, we have to show that what what we are doing is a test for all of us, the more we progress, therefore we must be able to prove that we are professionals who, when we lose, can still get up.
#681 - September 22, 2023, 09:24:34 AM

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Rising from mistakes is something we have to do as a person. traders because when we cannot correct our own mistakes it will cause us to become even more annoyed. do trading and don't let that happen because in reality there are bound to be losses and profits as traders and we as traders must be able to accept these mistakes. how to get up by learning again in the right way so that we find a good method
#682 - September 23, 2023, 08:17:11 AM

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Why is rising from mistakes something important for us to use because people tend to give up when they have failed several times, they feel this is not a suitable business for them. Therefore, it is very important for us to motivate ourselves to rise because by rising, we we can get profits by evaluating, we can get profits by learning again, so don't let it happen when you do forex trading and when we fail, we just stay silent and we even give up on the situation. Don't let us become people like that and we have to be a good person. strong for trading
#683 - September 24, 2023, 09:40:16 AM

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Rising from failure is indeed mandatory. Why is it mandatory because if you don't get up when you fail then you won't be able to feel anything when you are able to be consistent therefore when you fail you have to remember that in the future you will be a successful person. That way later you will have enthusiasm and want to get up again. Because that's also what I do when we are down in something, we have to be able to think beautifully so that we want to have the enthusiasm to keep trying to achieve it all.
#684 - September 25, 2023, 09:28:49 AM

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Don't forget that difficult times are part of the cycle of life that you must accept sincerely. When your life falls, just accept it gracefully because there's no point in blaming the situation, let alone blaming yourself.
#685 - September 25, 2023, 11:13:39 AM

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Rising from your mistakes will speed you up to success without having to wait a long time, but what you mean by yourself is that when you fail, you will definitely complain. If you are disappointed, it will definitely take time, but when you can shorten your time, you won't be too sad and make efforts to improve and evaluate. that would be better. So when you fail, get up immediately so that your time is not wasted just being sad.
#686 - September 27, 2023, 07:43:39 AM

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After you experience a serious defeat, even to the MC, that's when you have to rise from your own failures and mistakes. Because after all, the one who carries out the method is you yourself, so when you lose, you have to admit that it was a mistake, but don't be too disappointed. You have to keep going. Optimistic: You must remain confident that you still have the opportunity to trade well by recovering from mistakes and evaluating correctly so that everything can be corrected.
#687 - September 28, 2023, 09:05:00 AM

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When other people give up but you choose to get up from your mistakes, that's important. When you can get up again, a mistake where everyone gives up but you decide to get up will make you a professional because a professional will definitely not complain about the mistakes you made. they make In fact with these mistakes they become more active in learning they are more active in trying something they haven't done because of those mistakes we don't need to worry about these mistakes we should be able to be grateful that there is a flaw with our method and we should be able to fix it .
#688 - September 29, 2023, 08:35:52 AM

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When you experience failure when your money runs out because you experience MC or Open your position always hits stop loss, don't worry, here the first thing is not to just practice again, but the first thing is to condition ourselves so that we want to recover from the mistakes we have made. we make it because after all it's all the way we've done it and in the end we failed but when you still have high enthusiasm to move forward then I think you still have a chance, the important thing is you have to get up first from your mistakes you have to motivate yourself first
#689 - September 30, 2023, 09:01:23 AM

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In my opinion, rising from mistakes is your starting point so that you can go further than before because when you don't dare to rise from mistakes and you always complain about what you have done. In my opinion it only takes your own time, therefore When you trade, it's best if I get up because with that rise you can move on. You can forget all the past events that made you lose and you have to be able to look to the future by changing this so that later on in the journey you will get used to always getting up. when it fails
#690 - October 01, 2023, 08:48:06 AM


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