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Survive trading

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Often we see examples of cases where a trader has a good trading strategy, but he cannot survive in forex trading and experiences margin calls.
#766 - October 05, 2023, 12:55:07 AM

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It is mandatory for us to persist in any position as long as we have good intentions to obtain it. The advantage when carrying out defensive forex trading is the Way. The only way you can not give up and continue to exist in forex trading is by persisting. Whatever the conditions, you will be able to learn, try, be patient, be able to learn. to have a strong mentality to face Forex because it all requires struggle. it takes sacrifice you have to be ready. with all the risks, therefore you need truly patent knowledge that requires an accurate trading system.
#767 - October 05, 2023, 09:10:33 AM

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There is a science to surviving. If you want to survive then you don't need to worry. When you make a mistake, you don't need to think too deeply. When you lose, it's better to just let go of your emotions so you can survive when you fall and get up again. when you fall you try again and again until you can find success within yourself. trading the more you endure the more patient you are the younger you are to face problems. Over time, this problem will become something trivial that you can handle yourself well
#768 - October 06, 2023, 09:20:04 AM

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It is indeed our obligation that when we trade and we lose, we must be able to survive first. When we survive, we will have a more advanced spirit and outlook. By surviving, we will have a new way to evaluate. We must be able to learn to survive. In situations like this, we must be able to survive a problem that makes us lose, but believe that with high enthusiasm we will definitely get maximum results.
#769 - October 08, 2023, 08:06:59 AM

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A person's abilities are definitely different, but when you can survive whatever problems you face in a job, it will bring you peace and tranquility when we trade forex. We also have to be able to learn to survive when we experience the problem of losing, experience the problem of errors in analysis, we have to survive, we have to be able to try to do as much as possible, as best as possible, to continue trading in the right way, we try to learn again, we try to analyze again until we can really get consistent results.
#770 - October 09, 2023, 08:24:51 AM

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A defensive attitude is a good attitude that you must adopt when trading forex. Why do we have to survive because when we trade forex There are times when we will fail, there are times when we will lose, at times we will MC, all of this requires good defense against our psychology, the more we can survive, the more we can be strong in facing it, the more we get used to it, the more we will get used to it. we increasingly know how to overcome problems like this. We must be able to defeat the fear that we do. We must be able to defeat market conditions that make us lose by continuing to try to learn well.
#771 - October 10, 2023, 08:54:24 AM

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Surviving trading is an easy word. But when we do it, it will feel difficult, but we have to demonstrate a brighter future.
#772 - October 10, 2023, 11:22:05 AM

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It's best if you have to be able to survive when trading forex because a person's ability to survive is really needed when starting an activity to survive problems. Surviving defeat is all you have to learn. It's difficult at first, but when you can control your own emotions you can show attitude. mature and have a good professional attitude, then I'm sure it will be easy for you to survive. You must be able to motivate yourself to progress further than before. When you encounter obstacles, you must be able to consult an expert or you can calm yourself down first. When you are able to do research again, you can do this activity well. The important thing is that you must have the ability to persevere so that later you won't give up easily.
#773 - October 11, 2023, 09:59:41 AM

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You could say that you have survived trading if your account has not had a margin call for 1 or 2 years, then you can be said to have good psychology because you can maintain your account.
#774 - October 11, 2023, 01:24:14 PM

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Your ability to survive when trading forex is really needed because in my experience, when people are able to survive in difficult circumstances, they will become strong people and it is people like this who will be successful in the future. Surviving is not easy, but when you can decide to Surviving difficult situations and big problems will actually make you benefit greatly. When you experience MC, especially if you are still able to survive, then you have high optimism to trade well, which will make you a professional person. So don't be afraid of defeat, don't be afraid of any problems. You have to be able to survive in any condition. You have to be able to survive and determine that you are a person who has high optimism to want to be successful.
#775 - October 12, 2023, 09:30:02 AM

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The strength to survive usually appears when you can be patient because a trader who is able to survive in any situation, no matter what we do, will definitely get good results. Persistence is not only for the problem of losing, but when you face a problem such as floating minus or waiting for momentum. You also have to survive because that's the market situation. We have to be able to make trading a long-term investment. So it's very important for us to have a mindset so that we don't want to get rich quickly, but our focus here is to develop our money, develop our income to be even better than previously.
#776 - October 14, 2023, 09:05:23 AM

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If we want to survive in trading, what we have to do is follow the rules that you have created, no matter how good the market potential you see is, there must be a risk limit every time you trade.
#777 - October 15, 2023, 12:34:35 AM

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persisting with trading is indeed one of the keys to our success in forex trading because by persisting we will probably get a lot of inspiration and a lot of experience in order to become the best because when we are able to continue to survive in conditions that are unpleasant or not in accordance with our expectations. In fact, it makes us patient and professional people who survive when we lose, survive when we are floating minus survive when we MC, it will make us more concerned with our own evaluation.
#778 - October 15, 2023, 08:06:59 AM

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Every time you defend and every time you trade forex and you lose, it will make you even more obliged to carry out mental defense, especially because when you trade forex and you fail, usually what is attacked is your mental psychology, therefore you have to be strong. You must be able to think positively. You must be able to trade in the right way with a good trading system. Therefore, you should not be afraid of defeat. You must survive all problems and you must be able to do your best consistently and realistically.
#779 - October 17, 2023, 09:04:33 AM

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If you see that the types of traders are very diverse and each of them has a goal, but of course the main goal of us trading is so that we can survive in the forex market.
#780 - October 17, 2023, 01:02:01 PM


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