The price movement trap in the market always seems interesting to enter because sometimes traders have hopes and desires of large profits immediately, so they will choose how to trade following trends. only what happens when a trader who follows a trend follows an open buy transaction at the top and sells in the valley. so that it floats alone above or below. this is often experienced by traders who are inexperienced and also not objectively see market conditions.
All he has in mind is how to profit every time, even though what is often experienced every trading day is floating minus only, ironic indeed. just what to say if it has become a habit of traders.
If a trader wants to change his trading results, he must change his trading method. This is the main principle when a trader experiences the same results every day, every week and even every month.
Tips for changing the way you trade so that the results of your trading change
First, Avoid trading by making predictions or approximate.
Trading uses analysis based on logical reasons used will be more profit than just based on approximate. Most traders experience trading frustration, trading using emotional trading and relying on the luck factor with the principle that market movements cannot be analyzed.
Second, is always determining the amount of risk that must be accepted.
The case of traders who do not dare to use stop loss to prefer being called auntie emsi has a lot. because they forget the risks that will be accepted. try if the trader wants to use an elephant lot every time but calculates the stop loss, most will not dare to use the elephant lot because he will know the risk that must be suffered when hit by a stop loss.
Third, make trading rules and obey trading rules that are made.
traders who are often loss even called auntie emsi, certainly do not have a trading rule that must be obeyed, trading arbitrarily, if prices go up buy if prices go down sell, profit slightly cut profit, floating minus don't dare to cut loss. who in the end confused himself. start making one trading rule and obey, it will follow the other regulations.
Thus simple tips but very large benefits can hopefully change the way to trade better. greetings profit