Some people think of music as a friend while working. One of them myself. Listening to music can help me relax with an activity that I am doing. Although there are different opinions, listening to music for me as a transfer media so as not to stress in a job.Of the many musical genres, the right choice when trading is classical music. Where classical music can be said as a very appropriate media to be listened to in all trade sessions. From the Asian market opening session until the American market closing session.Classical music has been scientifically proven and can encourage cognitive development (intelligence). Classical music can increase creativity, intelligence, and awareness, which will help you during trading. Classical music can also help in terms of arousing your mood, especially in determining open positions.Even though in the end, the taste of music is returned to the individual traders, but the role of music when trading can increase your productivity.
listening to the music you like will indeed increase the relax hormones in yourself especially when trading.
even though Relex listens to music. but if the large floating minnus trading is still going to relax?
I talk about music apart from floating minus, besides floating minus is not a problem as long as risk management is implemented properly.
Yes, it is true. forex is a business that requires mind energy. sometimes when we lose we feel stressed. and with music we can eliminate stress when losing
trading should be in the condition of a good psychologist. to keep it so that it can still be good to use music, so before we trade it's better to do our favorite things first.
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