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Ways to Overcome Fear on Forex

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Feeling afraid in the world of trading is natural, right do not yet have qualified knowledge, he has a great way of analysis, but all of that is a journey process. you and you have to be able to move forward and have the courage to face it, you don't have to. being too weak to trade forex that fear you have to get rid of you have to. to have a strong mental you must be able to form a strong psychological so that fear will disappear by itself.
#571 - August 27, 2023, 09:34:22 AM

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Fear in the world of trading is normal because in my opinion people who are afraid are beginners. not yet a professional person and i don't blame people like that but what i want to say here is. the longer the more you are afraid then you will continue to not be able to. consistent, so you have to be able to get rid of that fear little by little every day. You have to instill a brave soul, instill a strong spirit so that you can defeat that fear with the best learning.
#572 - August 28, 2023, 09:10:08 AM

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How to overcome fears is need strong mentality in trading accompanied with knowledge and experience, because trading need confidence in decision making and abandon fears if want to gain. With more practice trading, fears losing money will can be eliminated.

#573 - August 28, 2023, 09:16:01 PM

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Usually fear is only there when we are still unable to regulate. our psychology is good and usually people like this are beginners who have just traded without proper preparation or knowledge, in my opinion, it doesn't matter. as long as they are still willing to try, we can still reduce that fear by learning and being confident with our method, throwing away our fearful attitude so that we are psychologically stable
#574 - August 29, 2023, 09:33:34 AM

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Fear in the world of trading is definitely something that is definitely felt by everyone who trades forex. Fear is of various kinds, some are afraid when they open a position, they are afraid that the analysis will be wrong, they are afraid of floating minus. All of this is indeed one of the things that we have never experienced, but when we have strong psychology and mentality, all of this will never occur to us. We are confident with confidence. in our own way that what we do it will definitely work
#575 - August 31, 2023, 08:27:32 AM

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that feeling of fear will indeed be experienced by everyone who trades forex and that is a natural thing so don't. Don't panic too much. When you are afraid, you must be able to adjust to yourself. You must be able to think clearly to decide something. The most important thing is that you must be psychologically stable. you have decided on an open position, you do not have to hesitate, whatever the result, you have to be able to accept it, because when you can't accept it, you will be emotional and you will not want to trade again, when you fail
#576 - September 01, 2023, 09:35:58 AM

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You should be able to embed that. when you want to be successful then you have to be able to try and you also have to be able. instill that fear is only temporary, fear is a thing of the past that will haunt you. If you. Don't change, don't be afraid of anything, don't be afraid of Forex Trading, I'm sure when you can. instill good psychology and mindset. That fear will disappear with. itself and what exists is a mentally strong soul that dares to trade in earnest. to gain
#577 - September 03, 2023, 09:20:19 AM

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the fear or fear that you experience is just a psychological problem because. that fear arises when you still don't have good knowledge, you still don't have a stable psychology, and that is a natural thing, but when. you are already a professional who has a lot of knowledge and has ways to overcome this fear, so all of that is just trivial things, so the point here is to keep trying. be the best try to get rid of fear by learning by trying to set the right mindset
#578 - September 04, 2023, 09:29:43 AM

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that's just fear, everyone must feel fear when something happens. they dream that it can't be realized, fear will also appear when the person is not confident with what they have in forex trading, fear appears when you don't open a position. according to your expectations and you are also not confident in your knowledge, therefore you must learn to eliminate all those fears. By having a strong mentality, you have high self-confidence so that whatever the result, you can accept it
#579 - September 05, 2023, 09:26:17 AM

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That fear will definitely appear in you when you don't have it. have strong self-confidence in what you are doing, so being too afraid of what you are facing will actually make them not dare to take a step in matters. When you trade forex, you have to have the courage to take a step. You have to have the courage to show that you have a good system. have the right method So you have to be sure about what you are doing
#580 - September 07, 2023, 09:02:14 AM

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You must be able to minimize fear in the world of trading because when you. If you can't minimize your fear, it will make you even more unable to take care of yourself. control your emotions because with that fear you will not be able to dare to act in any corridor. You must be able to have a good soul. brave. You must be able to have a good way of thinking so that you can get that fear out of your mind and you can focus on working on your method. trade better later and make sure whatever you do can make you even better than before.
#581 - September 08, 2023, 10:42:33 AM

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That fear must be eliminated because. When you don't get rid of your fear, it will actually make it difficult for you to trade and you must be able to use this as a tool for trading. It is clear that you should never take that fear to your heart because when you hold on to your fear later you will not Can. To get good profits, you have to be able to focus on eliminating the feeling. fear patiently by having a brave and clear mentality.
#582 - September 09, 2023, 08:39:52 AM

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Usually that fear comes when you have a bad experience. when carrying out an activity, in this case forex trading, whether you used to. Have MC experience, whether in the past you have experience every day and never get any benefits, the main thing is that fear is caused by past trauma and how to. the cure is to believe in yourself that you can do it better than. Previous And I'm sure the more you instill a good mindset by continuing to practice, the fear will disappear
#583 - September 11, 2023, 09:07:03 AM

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You don't need to hold onto that fear. in your mind and heart because the more you are afraid, the more you will not be able to carry out activities well, you will not be able to trade well. Fear is natural, but don't let that fear go. haunts you every day when you are afraid. You have to be able to fight it by looking for what you think you haven't been able to learn in forex trading. You must be able to look for your own weaknesses so that fear does not arise. make you lose when trading forex.
#584 - September 12, 2023, 09:07:27 AM

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There are many risks and challenges that traders must face. Various fears arise and dominate traders in the middle of the road. But it's best not to let that fear continue to haunt you.
#585 - September 14, 2023, 06:14:32 AM


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