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Ways to Overcome Fear on Forex

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This fear is experienced by almost all humans who have the tendency. to do or carry out activities, therefore it is better when we. To carry out an activity we must have knowledge and self-confidence. high so that we can get rid of this fear when trading forex. We also have to be able to do that. to trade with confidence and use the best knowledge. If we have analyzed and studied well, the fear will disappear by itself
#601 - October 03, 2023, 07:57:45 AM

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the fear that haunts you in forex trading. In my opinion, it is a normal thing, right Because fear is definitely experienced by everyone, including professionals, because fear cannot be eliminated, fear will definitely exist within a person, but we can outsmart it by continuing to try to be confident and strengthen our mentality. We must be able to be confident in all our systems. We must be able to reduce risks well. We must be able to learn to open positions appropriately. That way the fear will not be felt.
#602 - October 04, 2023, 08:15:10 AM

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Fear of loss or fear of experiencing a margin call are all human. If you are not afraid at all, a trader could even be reckless, just buy without doing any analysis first.
#603 - October 05, 2023, 12:53:02 AM

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A trader must have a fear of trading, especially. when they have experience or trauma when they fail therefore when we want to be successful in forex trading. We. You must be able to take action to reduce this fear. How to form an appropriate system to form a strong and courageous mentality to form a stable psychology. We don't have the power to eliminate fear, but we have the power to anticipate. With that fear, we can take action so that we are not afraid to trade, especially when opening positions. or our position is floating minus we have to have the right psychology and mindset
#604 - October 05, 2023, 08:39:01 AM

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We must be able to eliminate this fear when we trade because when we often do things like that, holding back that fear will have bad consequences for ourselves. Because fear will not have a positive effect on our trading habits, on the contrary, fear will make we are getting worse and can't be confident and don't have a strong mentality, so pull it when you experience fear. You have to have motivation that you have to raise. You have to be confident in what you do, therefore use a good account system, use management. the right way so that you can reduce your fear of trading. Because fear starts from not believing in what we are doing, therefore we must be able to learn to anticipate that fear with something positive.
#605 - October 06, 2023, 10:22:55 AM

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when you do forex trading you should be able to stay away from fear which will make it more difficult for you to make a profit because in my opinion fear is actually nothing that makes us afraid, it's because we are not confident in what we do on that day when we When doing forex trading, we have to be able to focus on trading well so that we can plan the right trading system so that we can get consistent results and we have to be confident in what we are doing, we still have to move forward. Eliminate the fear within us, just do the best for the future
#606 - October 07, 2023, 10:29:23 AM

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In my opinion, fear in humans is always there and it is natural that when we do any activity, usually the fear is because we are not confident, we are not used to it and lack of knowledge. Therefore, when we trade forex, we must have the right knowledge. we can be confident in the knowledge we have learned and we must get used to being able to trade well even if later when we fail we must have a strong mentality. Just think of it as a stepping stone for us so that we become professional traders. Then the fear will disappear by itself. When you are used to all this, you will focus on continuing to move forward and continue to make profits.
#607 - October 09, 2023, 09:25:37 AM

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Fear occurs when we are traumatized. Maybe you have experienced big losses so you feel that forex is not the right business for you and I think that's normal.
#608 - October 09, 2023, 10:59:27 AM

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When you want to do something that makes you not afraid, I suggest that the first thing you have to learn is to feel confident in what you have done so that fear starts to arise when you don't have full confidence in what you are doing, for example, when you To analyze currency, you must be confident in the knowledge you have learned. Otherwise, you will be afraid whether this is true or not, whether what I am doing is in accordance with market conditions or not, all of that will haunt you, but when you are disciplined, confident and brave, then you will not There will never be fear that even if your open position is wrong, you will understand that trading is also called trading, there will definitely be wrongs and right.
#609 - October 10, 2023, 08:37:03 AM

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Fear often exists in novice traders. Many people in trading already know that they might be threatened if they make fatal mistakes, but they always repeat and enjoy the fear.
#610 - October 10, 2023, 08:39:38 AM

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To overcome fear, you need to be mentally strong and you need to be confident when doing a rating because when you experience fear, it's natural, especially because maybe you haven't studied or have inaccurate knowledge, but I assure you, all of you will definitely be afraid, including even professionals. afraid to open a position but the difference here is that they have been trained, they have a strong mental level and have an understanding of the courage to lose, therefore when you trade forex. You have to have that mentality so that you don't hesitate to open a position and when you lose you don't get stressed.
#611 - October 11, 2023, 08:23:47 AM

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To be able to overcome your fear. You must be able to trade correctly. You must be able to use high discipline to trade well. You must be able to. Believe in your own knowledge. Basically, fear will always arise in everyone, but that person can. choosing whether to do a rating or not using good methods or not feeling afraid can be eliminated. When you get used to doing positive things, you must be able to be motivated and trade in the right way.
#612 - October 12, 2023, 08:09:56 AM

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When we do activities that. There is a risk that fear will definitely arise and that is normal. But we. as a trader. Having reason, we must not be defeated by this fear, we must be able to do it. shows how we can win over what we fear. When we trade forex we must be able to have knowledge. stock of knowledge has provisions. good management and having the right analysis method so that fear will disappear because we are equipped. with confident mental strength and a good trading system.
#613 - October 13, 2023, 08:15:18 AM

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The point that I understand here is that we can only fight our fear with confidence. We have to be able to believe in ourselves that we are able to carry out this trading well. We have to be able to fight that fear using our own system. Therefore, it is needed. A lot of knowledge in this case requires a good practical experience which can help you to strengthen your mentality so that you don't get afraid easily because fear will come when we don't believe in ourselves, don't be disciplined, don't have knowledge and still don't have realistic targets.
#614 - October 14, 2023, 09:20:49 AM

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Actually, the way to get rid of fear is to be able to control your emotions because beginner traders who cannot control their emotions will always feel afraid to open a position even though the moment is good.
#615 - October 15, 2023, 12:19:34 AM


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