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Ways to Overcome Fear on Forex

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There are many feelings of fear, one of which is when you as a beginner don't dare to open a position because you are not sure and indeed I agree with this because when I was a beginner myself I was afraid to open a position even though according to my analysis that was the case. it's true, but the lack of self-confidence makes me not open positions, therefore the way to overcome fear is that we have to be able to believe in ourselves, we have to be able to control our emotions, we have to be sure of what we have planned because that only makes us move forward other people make us successful but it is ourselves who make us successful.
#616 - October 15, 2023, 07:52:29 AM

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Fear is something that makes us people who don't dare to do anything, therefore, when we want to be successful, we have to be able to get rid of that fear. Fear is usually because when we don't have good knowledge, we don't have a full sense of responsibility. regarding the method, we don't have the confidence to do something, even though the fear only exists in our own minds, we have to be brave. The point is, we have to be able to have a strong mentality. We have to be able to trade perfectly, even though losing is considered normal. Let's repeat it from the beginning, don't be afraid.
#617 - October 16, 2023, 08:24:27 AM

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Don't be afraid when you trade forex. Try to be confident in your own system. You must have the mindset that you can make the best trades. You can make big profits. You can be consistent with what you do. That way, later you will be able to Go ahead and be calm when trading forex. Because fear is normal, especially for beginners and those who don't have the knowledge, but after you have enough experience, I'm sure that fear will turn into courage.
#618 - October 17, 2023, 08:30:56 AM

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If a trader uses a trading strategy that he has tested and has proven under any conditions then I am sure that trader will not be afraid to enter the market.
#619 - October 18, 2023, 12:50:08 AM

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Making fear a motivation is one step so that you don't feel afraid to enter the world of trading because when you start with fear then you will never want to move on. You will always be haunted by the fear of carrying out an analysis and opening a position. a way to trade well, you will be afraid of all of that, but when you are confident in your own method, when you are brave and have a strong mentality, then you will be able to remove that fear from your mind because actually fear is just an illusion that must be we can prevent it and we must eliminate it well.
#620 - October 18, 2023, 08:36:03 AM

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In my opinion, make fear something that makes you enthusiastic. What this means is that when you are afraid you have to be more enthusiastic so that you can overcome that fear so that you can have the mental strength to be brave enough to make this trading an investment tool to make a lot of money. Everyone must have fear. It is impossible for a person not to have fear, but fear can be controlled. Fear can make us stronger. If we can manage it well, we will be afraid to open positions. We will definitely be afraid to trade using large amounts of capital, but that will all come true if you cannot be emotionally stable.
#621 - October 19, 2023, 09:13:16 AM

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Even though the profits promised are large, we should not be afraid of trading because this does not mean that large capital is needed to start trading. So in fact, many people are afraid of trading because they think trading is only for elite people.
#622 - October 19, 2023, 10:07:27 PM

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This fear will definitely surround us when we cannot use psychology well when we analyze or open positions, so we must eliminate this fear with mature self-confidence and have a strong mentality. This will be easy for you so you can see how to trade better so that we don't lose the right momentum. People will definitely have fear and that is in humans, but we can make that fear smaller with a strong mentality.
#623 - October 20, 2023, 09:24:28 AM

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If you know the right forex trading strategy pattern then you don't need to bother eliminating fear within yourself because that fear will disappear by itself.
#624 - October 20, 2023, 01:17:59 PM

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To overcome fear, you have to start with a strong mentality and have a strong mentality. Usually we can train with confidence to use our own system. That's why most people fail, not because they are stupid, not because they can't analyze, but because they are not sure.  with their own analysis and that creates excessive fear, they will be paranoid and that will make their way of trading unable to make a profit.  So you have to be able to get rid of this fear in your own way. The important thing is you have to remember what I said. You have to have a strong mentality
#625 - October 21, 2023, 08:55:16 AM

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I suggest you have a detailed trading journal and record it with discipline, so that way you will no longer be afraid of forex trading because you already have a clear plan.
#626 - October 21, 2023, 11:24:15 AM

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To overcome fear, you are obliged to trade with confidence and have a strong mentality because only in that way will we be able to get more active results and when you are afraid you must have a brave mentality. You must be able to train that mentality so that later you will be able to easily to trade without any fear because in my opinion fear is only experienced by people who don't know anything and can't do anything.
#627 - October 23, 2023, 08:10:14 AM

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Overcoming fear can only be done when you have a strong mentality, have a confident mentality, fear will always be in our minds. So we cannot possibly eliminate it. Because fear is human, every human being will definitely feel fear depending on the percentage. If you have an extraordinary fear, in my opinion you have to do psychological therapy. You have to be able to do therapy using stable emotions, so when you do an activity, especially in trading, you have to have enough courage to have stable emotions so that fear will stop by itself
#628 - October 24, 2023, 09:02:16 AM

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Actually, it's not fear but panic that occurs, especially when you lose. Just calm yourself down to get rid of it, maybe you can relax or go for a walk to the beach.
#629 - October 24, 2023, 12:14:48 PM

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Overcoming fear within yourself, you must be able to speak to yourself that you are sure you can trade and you must believe in your own knowledge. Only in that way can we eliminate this fear or at least reduce it because when we have good psychology we We are sure that if we are enthusiastic, we feel great about ourselves, this will eliminate fear, but when we have a weak mentality. We are afraid to make mistakes. We are afraid to evaluate until whenever that fear will haunt you.
#630 - October 25, 2023, 08:28:38 AM


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