I myself because of just a coincidence factor. Actually, I was interested in investment. The problem is often watching films on investment, for example Wolf of Wallstreet and Big Short. Only there isn't a 'course' just. Incidentally many years ago I accidentally met a businessman. He then taught me how to trade correctly and well.
He trades since 2000'an. Had profit and loss of hundreds of millions of rupiah. Until one day he was taught by certain techniques by the elite trader community containing entrepreneurs in Indonesia. If this technique sold the price maybe around 6 thousand USD. On the internet itself there are not many who review it, only a few forums and sites only. Even then it was not resumed.
After I studied the technique and considered this technique more than enough to get profit, I disconnect into the world of trading. A very risky decision actually. But in this life we have to take the risk of achieving something. Take yes take it, no yes no. Do not hesitate.
Am I tempted by the benefits offered from the Forex business? Of course. Only I still prioritize rationality. Where maybe money can be obtained as easy as turning the palm. Of course there is something behind it all. Similar to Forex, this business offers a big profit but is proportional to the risk. Fortunately, I was taught the right trading so that it could minimize the risk.
Outside the factor of luck above, I myself personally embarrassed by working with people. My initial plan was work at the company while building a business network. After that established its own company. I have some potentially profitable startup company concepts. Hopefully someday I can establish this company from trading capital. My target is around 5-10 more years.