Some traders prefer fundamental analysis (the analysis of Forex market situations by analysing global economic news and the outcome being used in their trading activities) while some believe in technical analysis (analysis of the Forex market situation through the usage of technical tools such as indicators).I believe so much in technical analysis and it has been working for me excellently so far. I've got no regret whatsoever.Which of the two forms of Forex market analysis do you prefer? Why do you prefer it?
If I do, I will choose technical analysis, because for me, technical analysis is more than enough and not confusing, simple but very profitable. and the technical analysis answers when prices move while the fundamental analysis answers why prices move and it's too late
for analysis problems each trader will certainly not be the same. if we are a type of scalping trader then there is no good analysis by using fundamentals, but if we are longtime the fundamental analysis is very useful. but back in the sketch of each trader too.
Yes it's true, especially the type of trader with scalping style will definitely not see and will not care about fundamentals, because the style of scalping trading is required to think and move quickly so that it will not have time to see the fundamentals which in my opinion the fundamental analysis just makes us confused
yes, because the fundamental analysis requires a long time. most scalping traders use time in just minutes to make entries. so is the type of intraday trader who tends to close his entry in less than 24 hours.
I also rarely find traders who analyze market movements with fundamental analysis as their reference for entering the market. This is because fundamental analysis is always too late to read price movements, when prices are already moving then we know why the reason prices move through the results of news releases
actually there are also many traders who use fundamental analysis for their entry references, but most of these are long time and swinger traders who are not intraday, because they apply forex like investment in stocks.
yeah you are right , i am scalper for 2 months . of course i didnt need a fundamental because i only take profit 1 -3 pips .my experience
I agree, bro, but if I don't personally use fundamental analysis, only big moments like those breaksit sometimes I see fundamentals, besides breaksit I don't use anymore, I prefer pure technical.
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