I, like ClayWalker, really like the EATA Pollan vers Mod 2 (Alerts) that you created. I'd like to request a couple of changes to make it even better. (I believe you have the MQ4 version?)
1) Can we match the candle color to the Indicator Window Line colors? For example, the current color options are for the Indicator Window Lines where default is Blue and Red, while the Arrows are Green and Red. Changing the color only changes the indicator window line colors. It would be nice if the arrows matched the indicator window colors.
2) When the indicator sends an email, can we modify what information it's sending? For example, for a down arrow on EURAUD H1 it currently sends the following; (Subject Line) EATA pollan Alert, (Body) DOWN ARROW at Year.Month.Day Time EURAUD H1
Can we change it to; (Subject Line) EATA Pollan DOWN on EURAUD H1; (Body) Down Arrow, Current Candle (Or previous candle(s), depending on the setting) (14, 14: 8 ) (The settings from the indi) followed by Time Date Stamp?
Thanks in advance!