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Need modification of the infamous (famous) indicator Vulkan Profit

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Dear Admin/CrazyProg,

Thank you for your continued service (free) for all us traders.

As mentioned in the subject, I have a strange request.  This is about Vulkan Profit indicator, which is based on Sidus Strategy and draws (or prints) a buy/sell arrow on the chart.  This strategy works darn well, for stocks and futures including commodity, but there is just one problem.  I really dont know who developed this indicator, though there were many that followed later (based on this Sidus strategy, which are not upto the mark and deviated from this strategy and thence unusable for me).  And sadly no mq4 files are available for modification on the internet.  But the strategy is pretty much visible from the properties (attached).   The problem with the indicator that is available on the net (ex4) is 85% of the time (roughly) it doesnt print the buy/sell arrows, and one has to refresh continuously and some time it appears and sometime it doesnt and dont have a clue as to why (I am not referring to lagging/non-lagging here).  And by the time you do see the signals, the ship has already sailed.

In essence, this is based on the LWMA 3/8 crossing Faster/Slower EMA 18/28 (as you can see from the pic).

So here is my request :

(1) Need a fresh indicator (same as Vulkan profit - attaching the ex4, as no mq4 is available on the net neither the owner/author is unknown) which doesn't lag and prints the arrows in time as designed)

(2) I would like to have a MTF Dashboard across TF 5-15-30-1HR-Daily-Weekly-Monthly

I know this could be a little time consuming and I am willing to compensate if you feel this requires more efforts.

Many thanks for reading this big message and your attention.  I shall now await your response.

Warm Regards

#1 - August 13, 2018, 06:05:02 AM

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Do you know exactly the strategy this indicator uses to display arrows? Or do you just know that it uses the LWMA and EMA, but nothing more? If you know the exact conditions that produce arrows, a new and fully functional indicator could just be coded from scratch. If not, it would be really difficult and time-consuming to try and figure the exact strategy out without the source code. 

I suspect there is more to it than just LWMA and EMA crosses. For example, the indicator draws dots in addition to arrows. Maybe these are somehow related to the arrows. There are also other inputs in the indicator that have an unknown purpose. Like the 'VP_Version'. There is also a 'VP_Bars' input which you would assume would be to control the number of candle's back that arrows will be drawn, but this is not the case. So that input is probably used somehow in it's strategy. So what I am trying to say is that this Vulkan Profit indicator will be very difficult to reverse engineer.
#2 - August 13, 2018, 05:19:42 PM
Need modification of the infamous (famous) indicator Vulkan Profit in Indicator Modifications_Forex%20Zone%20VIP%20Membership

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Thank you for taking time to respond and at length, much appreciated.

Attaching a pic where this VP is in action.

Just for clarity : 
Maroon-hypenated-line : 3 LWMA
Gold-hypenated-line : 8 LWMA
Cyan both : 18, 28 EMA

As you can see this seem to be clearly working on LWMA 3/8 crossing 18/28 EMA and I do not see any dots as mentioned by you.   There are two areas which I have highlighted, and in both cases, it is clearly seen when LWMA 3/8 crosses the EMA 18/28, a buy or sell signal (arrows) is printed.

Please let me know.

Warm Regards
#3 - August 14, 2018, 03:49:34 AM

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Here is a screenshot of the dots I was talking about. They are small dots and easy to miss.

Also, I ran the indicator live on the M1 yesterday. I didn't notice any problems. Many arrows formed. You said it misses some arrows sometimes. I am curious how are you determining this?
#4 - August 14, 2018, 02:12:42 PM

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Thanks mate.

Interesting finding on the 'dot' :).  

Looking at those dots on the M1, (dont know if it would make more sense in higher TFs), I am assuming those are a little caution to exit the current trade, not sure.

I am trading in stocks and commodities, and what I meant that 85% of the time the indicator doesnt print the signal, is, you dont see the arrow, I need to catch it next time and will be able to send it.  And after a few candles or so, either if I change the timeframe and revert back or change the symbol then the arrow appears, by which time it is already too late. So not sure if this is an issue with the strategy itself or the way the indicator was coded.  Hence I had request you to see if you can create a fresh one using the same strategy.  Also if we can create a MTF dashboard that would be fantastic.

Thanks for your time, much appreciated.

Warm Regards

PS :  Besides me, there are quite a lot of them who are equally having the same issue as mine.

#5 - August 14, 2018, 02:32:45 PM

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You are probably right about the dots. They do look like exit points. Maybe they are drawn whenever one of the MA lines goes out of agreement.

Maybe a better approach to this problem is to have a separate indicator running which will refresh the chart every so often (eg. every 1 minute). This will do the same thing as changing the chart and reverting back, but it will be automatic. That way, you get to use the exact same Vulkan indicator and you will know for sure that all the arrow conditions are being met.

By looking at your images, it does indeed seem that the crosses are making the arrows. A new indicator could be coded to do this, but there remains too much in the Vulkan Profit that is unknown. Such as those 2 inputs I mentioned. So maybe the Refresh indicator is the way to go.
#6 - August 14, 2018, 02:48:14 PM

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Thanks mate.

I have been fighting with this indicator for almost a year, and I had taken every possible route including 'refresh' indicators.
I have in my list 'baracude_refresh', initallindicators, symphonie_autorefresh_1.01, but to no avail and I feel these refresh indicators dont do nothing.

Anyways thanks for your time and understanding.

Warm Regards

#7 - August 14, 2018, 02:53:10 PM

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I do not know why that would not work since it would mimic the deinitialization and reinitialization of the indicator. I do have another idea, but that can wait for later. I will look at the arrows and try to code a new indicator that draws matching arrows. 
#8 - August 14, 2018, 03:47:34 PM

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Yes mate, I am also clueless, today also awhile ago it happened, did not capture it.

But appreciate all of your support in this regard.

Warm Regards
#9 - August 14, 2018, 05:33:21 PM

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One quick question. Do you know what your indicator uses for the applied prices for the LMWA and EMA? I already know the MA periods and methods, but I do not know each of the prices the MA's are based on. Your indicator's inputs mention 'Sidus'. I'm hoping that after using this indicator after so long that you will know about this. It will save a lot of time.
#10 - August 16, 2018, 11:01:00 PM

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That would be "Close Price".   The first MA crossings pic that I had sent was based on closed price, so logically I am assuming this should be applied on Close Price.

#11 - August 17, 2018, 05:47:06 AM

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The reason I asked is because I coded a new Vulkan indicator based on the MA's you mentioned, but it draws many more arrows than what your indicator does. So I wanted to make sure the correct MA values were used since MA's can be based on Close, Open, Median, Weighted, and so on, but they can all be on the same chart and look similar.

Here is an example from your indicator of what I'm talking about. It missed an arrow completely it seems. And sometimes, it displays an arrow in certain conditions and sometimes it doesn't. Maybe this is the problem you wanted solved. Or maybe there are extra conditions the indicator uses to filter out some arrows that I do not know about. See attachment.
#12 - August 17, 2018, 01:25:15 PM

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Thanks brother.

I think you hit the nail on the head... yes... that is precisely my problem and since all I have is the .ex4, I am left with only putting this on the chart and see how it performs.

Here is a link (I believe this is the latest thread of Sidus, the man himself who is behind the strategy) :

New profitable System - Sidus @ Forex Factory

Also attached is a pdf where I see he is using RVI to filter out the trades.

#13 - August 17, 2018, 02:33:08 PM

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Okay, so what I thought in the beginning about there being conditions other than the LWMA and EMA crossing was correct then. 

If I were to add RVI or anything else to filter out some arrows, then my indicator would most likely match the Vulkan indicator you already supplied. What I'm trying to say is that I'm not understanding what the problem is here. It is 'missing' arrows simply because there are conditions not being met. If I were to add all those conditions to my indicator, I would give you an indicator that works the same. So do you just want an indicator that draws arrows based on the LWMA and EMA crosses?
#14 - August 17, 2018, 02:59:48 PM

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Yes please. Thank you !

#15 - August 17, 2018, 04:08:59 PM


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