U welcome sir..
how long is the verification process sir?
i just need 1*24 hours sir..and they give email notification about my account has been verified
yeah thats the same time they reject all of my document too, ahaha, 12 hour is just regular all broker checjk your identity sir haha
Why they reject or decline your document sir?i means what the reason?i think amega ia hard to verify i upload my id..KK and all issue less than 3 months but they dont received..
just one more step to full verification, just send proof of address
It's quite easy for the verification process, sir, and you will get full facilitate in trading forex with Fxglory.
the say for Fxglory prestige is not so well known, only 50% bonus no deposit program, as long as you use Fxglory what do you think about their mettatader4?
I once deposited this broker and got a 50 percent bonus, unfortunately I am MC.hehe
the 50% bonus deposit procedure is only able to increase the margin and I am helped by the bonus, FXGlory is good
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