I am trying my hand at coding, and wrote a simple EA.
I am having a problem with this 1 issue.
bool OneOrderAtATime=false;
if(OrdersTotal()==0 || !inOneOrderAtATime)
else OrdersTotal()=MaxOrders;
I give the option to have more that 1 order open, I get the "OneOrderAtATime" = True right, so it doesn't open any more orders.
But if it returns false, When I want more than 1 open order, it opens up to 20 orders, I want to set the Max.
(If I set it to false, so the false statement is what I want,) I want to set a MaxOrders value.
(Maxorders is in my Variables), I keep on getting this error when I compile:
'OrdersTotal' - l-value required Optimizing RS.mq4 132 12
Linkback: https://www.forex.zone/mt4-mt5-eas/7/help-with-coding-please/198/