Are you sure that using an EA robot can help traders with forex trading. Are there no significant obstacles if we use for a long time? can it be proven that EA robots are better than trading manuals?
using EA is one way to get profit easily if it is in accordance with the rules of the EA makerbut many will lose because of not obeying the rulesto run EA just look at youtubedon't forget to understand 1 EA until you really know the character
some is good and some are not it is a machine and coded by human. and we know there are no perfect machine...yet. i think that before you use EA you should know how to run it and read before use it. may EA profitable as long as you keep the guidance
I think trading using EA can help the trader to make a profit, someday when the trader cannot trade, he will not get income but by using EA's assistance, he can still get income.
so like that, the task of EA is to replace the merchant in working
Hello friendsyesterday my friend give to me his robot...i've doing exatcly what he told me..copy the file to my trading platform directory...i've done what's the question??here it i need to keep my trading account keep online, that mean my trading platform still remain on-line...or i just simply open it once, let my robot make decision, and i can go offline?
trading using help is good, we eat, sleep, picnics can still benefit from a trade, and we don't always have to be in front of a computer screen to trade
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