before using it must go through several stages, which is before using EA where you have to know how to work from the EA and after knowing how it works then the next step is to test several examples of the market so that later will know what the market conditions are in accordance with the way EA work so that later it will be implemented properly and of course it will be safe to use and can produce consistent profits
quite complicated sir
yes, the process is quite complicated
I don't know, but that might be possible, making EA. Maybe you can continue to learn to do youtube for further information.
Here you are on a site with skilled programmers who will very likely do your programming for free.Just share your ideas and you might get it in an EA
Well sound is great sir..but honestly i just a newbie and i dont have good experience with trading forex system
there are times when we can judge what system is suitable for us to use, whether it's trading using EA or manually.
although it must be complicated
hello bro and good night, EA cannot be used offline, if you want to use EA you have to connect to the broker or EA you have to connect with vps.ok bro thanks. regards profit
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