Profit Target as Account Balance Percentage: Does this mean that if I set the value to "1.0" that this means 1%, that the trade on this chart will close when it reaches 1% of the account balance, without affecting any trades placed by the program on other charts in the same account? Or, does this mean that all open trades on all charts will close if the total net profit on all open trades (positive and negative) reaches 1%?
Profit Target in Account Currency: I have a USD account. Does this mean that I provide a percentage of account balance value that I desire a positive trade to close at, when it reaches that percentage level in profit, i.e., 1 = 1%, 2 = 2%, 5 = 5%, etc.? Or do I place a dollar value in the parameter?
It seems obvious, but I just want to make sure that I understand.
Thanks Francoisvs.
Best Regards,