Typically, Bollinger Bands indicators are used for forex trading when the market is sideways. However, it can actually also be used when the market is trending,
Bollinger bands is the default indicator that is on mt4 / mt5 this indicator is very suitable to use when the market is in sideway conditions, the way to enter a position is when the candlestick forms the bottom line or the upper line of the Bollinger bands. This indicator is very suitable for scalping. but when the market is in an uptrend or downtrend this indicator is not suitable for me.
right, I also agree with you. I am also a user of the bolinger band indicator, indeed this indicator is very suitable to be applied when sideway prices, but also when the trend is also this indicator also provides a good signal for entry. when I break the top line I sell and vice versa. This indicator is very simple and easy to use.
The Bollinger indicator can also be used when the market is bullish or bearish, its function is not only in the sidewaya market, with the addition of MA, this bollingerband is an indicator of good accuracy.
if the market sideway conditions will indeed be nice to use
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