Bollinger Bands indicators are used to measure volatility and forex trading when the market is sideways. Very popular with traders and worth trying. Bollinger Bands is one of the technical indicators to measure volatility and determine the direction of price movement trends. In addition to the direction of the trend, this indicator is also used to determine overbought and oversold conditions. Characteristic, in market conditions sideways (ranging), the price moves between two bands (ribbon). This indicator was created by John Bollinger, a technician trader in 1980. Now, this indicator is very popularly used in trading in various types of financial markets, including the forex market.
Bollinger Bands can be found on trading platforms in general, including Metatrader4 (MT4) and Metatrader5 (MT5) with the default SMA parameters: 20 periods, and standard deviations: 2. To place them, look for the Insert menu >>> Indicators >>> Trend >> > Bollinger Bands. After applying to the chart,