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Forex Zone Trading Rebates

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Forex Zone Trading Rebates in Promotions_topic=3239
Forex Zone Trading Rebates

      The Forex Zone forum operates a trading rebate system. Some may also call this a 'pip rebate' or 'forex rebate' system. The more you trade, the more you earn! Several brokers/exchanges are available to choose from. There are automated options to choose from and non-automated options too. For the non-automated option, the rebates are paid weekly to the method of your choice. No forum account is needed to get trading rebates.




  • Real Earning - Earn for doing what you would already be doing anyways. The more you trade, the more you earn. There is no limit on earnings.
  • Residual Income Potential - Long-term traders who trade frequently may receive consistent residual income.
  • No Risk - Receive free trading money from the Forex Zone and use this to trade with. There is no risk involved since the money you received was free to begin with.
  • No Strict Requirements - There is no need to meet high trading volumes or to wait a long time for your rebates.
  • Flexible - Trade however you want, whenever you want, and for as long as you want. Simply obey any existing rules set by the broker and that is all.
  • Automatic - There are 7 automated brokers/exchanges to choose from - BingX, Bitrue, Kinesis, LMFX, Nash Markets, XM, and Trading rebates are automatically calculated and paid with these automated options.


  • BingX - Automatically credited daily to your trading account.
  • Bitrue - Automatically credited daily to your trading account.
  • FxGlory - Non-automated
  • LMFX - Automatically credited daily to your trading account.
  • Nash Markets - Automatically credited once per week to your trading account.
  • Kinesis - Automatically credited every month to your trading account.
  • XM - Automatically credited daily to your trading account.
  • - Automatically credited daily to your trading account.
NOTE: You do NOT need a Forex Zone account to get trading rebates. Just use one of the links above. For non-automated trading rebate requests, just send an email to '' to claim your rebates.


  • You need a trading account with one of the available brokers/exchanges using the provided links above. Existing accounts which were opened elsewhere might also qualify, but you will need to contact the broker/exchange and ask them to switch you under our IB (referral) code. They usually do this no problem as long as you have not switched IB's before.
  • (Optional) PM Admin or send an email to '' so a quick check can be made to see if the account was tracked properly.
  • Pass the broker's full KYC procedure (if any). This is a one-time process.
  • Fund your account. For free trading money, participate in one of the forum's promotions (eg. Points System).
  • Start trading as you normally would.
  • (For non-automated) When you are ready to receive a trading rebate payment, simply send a PM to Admin or email ''.
NOTE: For Nash Markets, Kinesis, XM, and - trading rebates are calculated automatically and credited to your trading account without the need to ever contact Forex Zone.

NOTE: For BingX, Bitrue, and LMFX - these 3 require a one-time setting on our end to enable your rebates. It's fast and easy to do. All we need to know is the day you signed up and your email address so your account can be located. Once enabled, the trading rebates will be calculated automatically and credited to your trading account without the need to ever contact Forex Zone again.


  • $2.50/week:  You trade with FxGlory with a very small balance. You trade EURUSD with the smallest lot size of only 0.01 lots. Each trade you make will earn you $0.05. You make 10 trades per day and trade 5 days per week.
  • $25/week: You trade with FxGlory with a medium size balance. Let's say you converted forum points for $150 free trading money. You trade EURUSD with a lot size of 0.10 lots. Each trade you make will earn you $0.50. You make 10 trades per day and trade 5 days per week.
  • $250/week: You trade with FxGlory with a larger balance of $500. You trade EURUSD with lot sizes of 1.00 per trade. Each trade you make will earn you $5.00 in trade rebates. You make 10 trades per day and trade 5 days per week.
  • And so on...

NOTE: These are examples of what is possible. FxGlory has 1:3000 leverage and 50% deposit bonuses. So it is possible to make even more with FxGlory than what the examples show. Increasing lot sizes and the frequency of trading will increase trading rebates.


  • Paypal
  • Bitcoin (slow confirmation, big transaction fee, ideal for larger payments)
  • XRP (super fast transactions and no transaction fees)
  • Signa coin (fast transactions and no transaction fees)
  • FZT (fast transactions, no fees, and daily income opportunity)
  • Account credit (Kinesis, Nash Markets, XM, and only)


  • FxGlory: Trades must be open for at least 7 minutes to count.
  • LMFX: If the difference between the open price and close price of a trade does not exceed 5 pips, LMFX has the right to not pay commissions for that trade. Trades opened for less than one minute will be subject to a 50% reduction of commission.


Question) Can I convert forum points for free trading money and still receive trade rebates later?

Answer) Yes!

Question) If I trade with free trading money, can I still keep any profit if I want to stop trading and withdraw?

Answer) Yes, you can still keep any profit you make from trading and also keep trading rebates too.

Question) Where does the money come from to pay trading rebates?

Answer) Brokers have spreads/commissions for each trade a trader makes. Brokers share some of these spreads/commissions with the IB (eg. Forex Zone) who referred the trader to them. We pay 50% of the revenue earned from the broker back to you.

Question) How much can I earn from trading rebates?

Answer) It is possible to earn a living just off trading rebates. It depends on the broker you trade with, the symbol you trade, the frequency of your trades, and the volume of your trades. The more frequent you trade then the more you will earn. Also, the more lots you trade with then the more you will earn. As a general example, let's say you trade with FxGlory with a small balance. You trade EURUSD with the smallest lot size of only 0.01 lots. Each trade you make will earn you $0.05. Now, let's say you make 10 trades per day and trade 5 days per week. You would earn $2.50 in trading rebates every week. This example is based on the smallest lot size and minimal trading and is very easy to accomplish.

Question) Is there a limit to how much I can earn from trading rebates?

Answer) No, the sky is the limit.

Question) Does opening an account using the link from Forex Zone affect my trading conditions?

Answer) No! You receive the exact same trading conditions as someone who does not open an account through the link. So spreads and commissions are the same, prices are the same, and so on.

Question) Can I use the same trading account I already used for another contest or promotion?

Answer) Yes, and this is actually encouraged. You can open an account once and use it for other Forex Zone contests and promotions. There is no need to open a new trading account just for trading rebates.

Question) I want to save up my rebates and withdraw once per month or longer instead. Is that possible?

Answer) Yes, for FxGlory or LMFX, the trading rebates will accumulate until you want to withdraw. So whenever you are ready to withdraw trading rebates, just contact Forex Zone admin.

Question) I received less Bitcoin than I expected. Why?

Answer) Bitcoin can be very volatile at times. Bitcoin transactions can also take a while to confirm. During this process, the price of Bitcoin may have moved greatly. Also, Bitcoin transaction fees are deducted from the payment. It is not uncommon for Bitcoin transaction fees to be around $5-10. So it doesn't make sense to request a small payment of $10 and pay $5-10 in transaction fees. Using Bitcoin is better for long-term traders who want to accumulate the rebates longer or high frequency traders. Otherwise, it's better to use XRP or Signa instead because they are very cheap and faster than Bitcoin.

Question) I only traded a little and blew my account. Is there a minimum payout amount for trading rebates?

Answer) No, there is no minimum payout amount, unlike other trading rebate programs.

Question) Where can I see the status of my current trading rebates?

Answer) For the automated methods, they are automatically calculated and paid by the brokers/exchanges. For the non-automated methods, the best way is just to look in your trading history in your trading terminal. The trades you have opened/closed should generate trading rebates as long as you obeyed any broker rules. There is no portal or back office provided by Forex Zone to check accumulated rebates though. All rebates are manually calculated and paid by Forex Zone.


  • For non-automated trading rebates, the trading rebates are paid out upon request, but no more than once per week.
  • For non-automated trading rebates, trading rebates will continue to accumulate until paid.
  • Trades should obey all broker rules. Examples: scalping, hedging, minimum time open, etc...
  • Trades that do not show up or are not credited for some reason are not eligible for rebates. Only valid trades will be eligible.
  • Bitcoin transaction fees will be deducted from the total rebate payments (if Bitcoin is used for payment).
  • Traders who receive free trading money are also bound by the terms at Forex Zone Transfers To Brokers.
  • Trading accounts must be opened using one of the links on this forum. If the account does not show up here, the account does not qualify to receive trading rebates.
  • The sharing of accounts between forum members is prohibited. Only your own personal account may be used. Members caught sharing accounts or trying to receive money on behalf of another forum member will forfeit their trading rebates and may be ineligible for future contests or promotions. If you cannot open your own account as mentioned above, please do not participate.
  • This trading rebates program is operated by the Forex Zone forum. DO NOT CONTACT THE BROKERS MENTIONED ABOVE WITH QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS about our trading rebates program. This will be a waste of everyone's time. All questions or concerns regarding trading rebates should be directed to the Forex Zone forum. If we receive complaints, you may be excluded from trading rebates, other contests/promotions, and other disciplinary actions may be taken.
  • Participation in this trading rebates program is optional and done according to your own will.
  • You are responsible for the accounting and recording of your own income, if any, that you receive for tax purposes. We will not send out tax forms or get involved with your taxes unless it becomes legally mandatory to do so.
  • Under no circumstances will we be held liable for any damages or losses you incur by participating.
  • The terms and conditions may change at any time. You are responsible for checking back here for updated terms or conditions, if any.
  • If you do not agree with all the terms and conditions stated, do not participate.

#1 - January 22, 2021, 04:22:44 PM
« Last Edit: March 09, 2025, 08:27:12 PM by Admin »
Forex Zone Trading Rebates in Promotions_Forex%20Zone%20VIP%20Membership

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Two new sections have been added to the 1st post called "KNOWN BROKER LIMITATIONS" and "TRADING REBATE EXAMPLES". These only provide more clarity, but no changes have been made.
#2 - January 28, 2021, 07:40:09 PM

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Refers to example number 3

$250/week: You trade with FxGlory with a larger balance of $500. You trade EURUSD with lot sizes of 1.00 per trade. Each trade you make will earn you $5.00 in trade rebates. You make 10 trades per day and trade 5 days per week.

So is the rebate value from FXglory for every 1 lot is $ 5? or is this just an example?

#3 - April 05, 2021, 03:08:45 AM
« Last Edit: April 05, 2021, 06:59:31 AM by Mikser »

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Some changes have been made to the terms and are effective immediately. All details can be found in the 1st post.


  • The $10 minimum payout limit has been removed. So smaller payments are now allowed.
  • Two new questions/answers have been added.
  • Some minor changes to wording for clarification purposes.
#4 - April 17, 2021, 04:01:55 PM

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FZT is now a possible option when paying out trading rebates.
#5 - June 17, 2021, 09:20:58 PM

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can i reedem my rebate forum my fxopen account? my account number is 1123144

and my signum address is S-ZE92-JDP4-P3GK-5Y42R
#6 - September 11, 2021, 11:14:57 PM

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can i reedem my rebate forum my fxopen account? my account number is 1123144
FxOpen is not an available broker for the trading rebates. See 1st post for details.
#7 - September 12, 2021, 12:14:26 AM

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what is the minimum withdrawal rebates
#8 - November 05, 2021, 03:40:32 AM

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what is the minimum withdrawal rebates
There is already an answered question about this in the first post. There is no minimum.
#9 - November 05, 2021, 05:25:53 AM

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how do i calculate the commission i will get?
#10 - November 05, 2021, 08:57:22 AM

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how do i calculate the commission i will get?
If you want to do it manually yourself, you should check with the broker and see their commission table. Each broker is different. Then look at your completed trades and compare it to the commission table. The earned commission is then based on the volume of your trades.

For example, FxGlory pays $10 per trade for a lot size of 1 for standard Forex pairs. So if you trade the smallest lot size of 0.01, that means commission is $0.10 per trade. Forex Zone shares back 50% of all commissions.
#11 - November 05, 2021, 10:10:30 AM

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why is the fxopen broker not added?
#12 - November 20, 2021, 11:31:21 PM

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why is the fxopen broker not added?
Because it's too hard to calculate trades from referrals. Also, they take away commissions all the time and give no reason. So a week or month later, they may debit commissions already paid out without warning. They used to pay out well, but in the last year or so, they changed and I do not consider them compatible with the trading rebates here.
#13 - November 21, 2021, 12:46:41 PM

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PaxForex broker, is it safe?
#14 - November 22, 2021, 02:31:41 AM

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Can I also get rebates, if I meet the daily and weekly trading requirements?
#15 - December 30, 2021, 03:52:46 PM


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