hello good afternoon also I also use the Instaforex broker but to make a withdrawal Sara feels a bit long
oh i am sorry , if i want withdraw ,i used to withdraw by Introducing Broker official instaforex for my countryb, so it fast as a lamborghini
owh, where are you? aren't you indonesian? if Indonesia can use local banks, it will be very easy, but for withdrawals, it is rather long
yeah i am indonesian .. of course is more longer , therefore i used to withdraw by IB , as example grahafx or proifx .
Is there a broker here who really doesn't cheat? Here I am asking because I have met a lot whether it is practically cheating or not. What is clear is that the broker has an indication in that direction.I myself have changed brokers several times because I did encounter a fraud. Among them is the long withdrawal process, in the withdrawal of a large number suddenly the account is locked or the password changes, even though it doesn't change at all.Indeed, if we go into the world of forex, we must be very careful in choosing a broker that does have a good rating, in addition to our flexibility during trading, also for smooth withdrawals, because it's useless if we trade but the broker is a scam.Maybe here friends have the best broker recommendation for me to try. Because I've often fallen into the brink of scam.Thank you if friends want to give a recommendation for me. Hopefully we can be smooth in trading and profit.Thank you .... Profit for all of us ...
Hi , I think it's important for us to choose a good broker ,can you give me information for a good broker?
I myself am also looking for this information if you have got it, can you inform me?
I use FBS right now , as long as I know it's good , but I don't know with other
I also used a real account on this FB but I always met margin calls and finally I moved a broker
I think it's all about money management, not depends on broker. If we don't have a good a money managment we Will always get a margin callcall when our analysis is missed
Do you still use instafirex right now ?
i still use this ... they have a lot of rebate . i use this account for long term trading .
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