Forex Zone - Forex Forum

Posting Rules

Discussion started on Terms

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1) This is an English-only forum. All content must be in English.

2) Posts must be comprehensible, readable, and clear.
Example: Posts translated from another language must make sense to an English reader.

3) All posts should include useful and relevant information related to the topic. Posts must be genuine and natural. Each post must have it's own unique thought.
Examples: No meaningless posts just to increase forum points. No post remixing or rewording. No saying the same thing over and over again with just different words.

4) Every post should be unique.
Example: Plagiarism of any kind, including copying content from other websites or from other forum members, is not allowed.
Exceptions: Brokers or exchanges who regularly post content. An exception can also be made for signal providers and commercial vendors who provide high-quality content. Contact Admin in advance for permission if you are unsure.

5) Absolutely no spam posts are allowed.

6) Absolutely no malicious code is allowed.
Example: malware, viruses, etc...

7) No hidden images or objects are allowed.

8 ) No profanity or hateful speech is allowed.

9) No unsubstantiated or vague accusations against forum members are allowed.
Example: If you suspect another forum member of wrongdoing, report it to a moderator or Admin instead of publicly posting about it.

10) No illegal or adult-oriented content is allowed.

11) Very short posts (eg. 1-2 words) should be avoided.
Example: If all you have to say is "Thank You" then you can use the like button, increase a person's reputation, or post a message on their profile instead.

12) Very large or excessive quoting is not allowed. If you are quoting another member's post, be specific and isolate exactly what you are replying to. Do not quote someone's entire long post just to say something small. Very large quotes clog up the forum and affect readability in a negative way.

13) Posting should be done solely by the forum account holder.
Example: No managed posting, shared accounts, or automated bots are allowed.

14) Posts should follow the default font type and size as a general guide. Using different fonts, sizes, and colors are welcome as needed, but they should not be abused.
Example: No SHOUTING (using all capital letters for most of your post), no text that is hard to read, no very large text that clogs the forum, etc...

15) Major posting errors should be fixed whenever possible. If you notice your post did not display correctly, you should fix your post. Ignoring your own posts which do not display correctly, not only affects the readability of the forum, but it wastes the time of the forum staff who later needs to fix your post.
Example: Sometimes mistakes happen such as misalignments, missing images, and so on. Use the 'Preview' button to see how your post will look before posting. And you can use the 'Modify' button to fix your post afterwards.

16) Make sure to check each forum section for supplemental posting rules. Some sections may have their own specific rules.
Example: Contests may have their own posting rules such as cutoff times related specifically to those contests.


1) Links that may contribute to the content of the topic are allowed, but should be avoided when possible.
Example: If you want to share a file, simply attach the file to your post instead of linking to it.

2) Links should direct to Forex or Cryptocurrency related webpages only.

3) Links may not direct to blacklisted websites.
Example: If the website does not show up at all in search engines such as Google then it is not allowed.

4) Referral links are allowed as long as they are related to the topic and all other forum rules are obeyed.

5) No links to illegal content
Example: Warez, cracking or decompiling services, etc...

6) Link shorteners or link trackers are not allowed. All links should point directly to the intended webpage with no intermediary pages or delay time.
Example: links are prohibited

7) Inline images may not backlink to an image hosting service.
Example:,, etc...

8 ) Excessive linking is not allowed.
Example: As a general guideline, 1 or 2 links in a post maximum. Also, it should not become apparent that the sole purpose of your posting activity is to be able to post links.


1) You do NOT need prior approval before starting new topics on this forum. Members are free to post new topics without receiving permission first unless stated otherwise.

2) Before starting a new topic, first check to make sure a similar topic doesn't already exist. If a similar topic already exists, post in that existing topic instead of creating a new one.

3) New topics should include useful information and real content.
Example: If all you have to say is 1-2 lines of text or if you simply want to ask a question, do not start a new topic.

4) New topics created should be relevant to the section they are being started under.
Example: Do not create a topic about trading signals under the 'EA Modifications' section.

5) Make sure to check each forum section for supplemental rules. Some sections may have their own rules.


1) This is an English-only forum. All profile content should be in English.

2) Profile cover images and avatars may not contain adult-oriented or illegal content.

3) Profile cover images and avatars may not contain hidden or malicious code.

4) Profanity, hateful speech, and illegal content are not allowed in your profile wall posts.

5) Outbound links and advertisements are allowed in your personal profile as long as they follow all forum rules.


1) Sending spam private messages are not allowed.

2) Sending advertisements is not allowed unless they were requested by the recipient.

3) Abuse of the PM system in any way is not allowed.

4) Sending too many messages to Admin or moderators is not allowed.
Example: Do not send messages asking questions that are already answered on the forum.

#1 - March 09, 2020, 03:45:28 PM
« Last Edit: November 12, 2023, 01:36:23 AM by Admin »
Posting Rules in Terms_Forex%20Zone%20VIP%20Membership

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The posting rules have been updated. Some new rules have been added and some previous rules have been removed. Everyone please read the new rules carefully.
#2 - March 17, 2021, 10:40:42 PM

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A new rule #4 has been added to the private messages section.
#3 - May 23, 2021, 01:04:14 PM

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The posting rules have been updated in order to maintain a higher level of quality for this forum. Everyone please take some time to review the updated rules.
#4 - March 05, 2022, 12:49:41 PM

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Posting Rule #3 has been updated with more clarity. Members should pay special attention to this rule from this point forward.
#5 - November 12, 2023, 01:37:30 AM


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