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Terms of Use & Privacy Policy

Discussion started on Terms

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Terms of Use:

  • You agree, through your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, adult oriented, or otherwise in violation of any International or United States Federal law. You also agree not to post anything harmful to this forum, it's owner, or it's staff. You also agree not to post any copyrighted material unless you own the copyright or you have written consent from the owner of the copyrighted material. Spam, flooding, chain letters, and pyramid schemes are also forbidden on this forum. Advertisements are allowed only within the relative sections and in your personal profile signature, if enabled.
  • Note that it is impossible for the staff or the owners of this forum to confirm the validity of posts. Please remember that we may not actively monitor the posted messages, and as such, are not responsible for the content contained within. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information presented. The posted messages express the views of the author, and not necessarily the views of this forum, it's staff, it's subsidiaries, or the forum owner. Anyone who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to notify an administrator or moderator of this forum immediately. The staff and the owner of this forum reserve the right to remove objectionable content, within a reasonable time frame, if they determine that removal is necessary. This is a manual process. So we may not be able to remove or edit particular messages immediately. This policy applies to member profile information as well.
  • You remain solely responsible for the content of your posted messages. Furthermore, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the owners of this forum, any related websites to this forum, its staff, and its subsidiaries. The owners of this forum also reserve the right to reveal your identity (or any other related information) in the event of a formal complaint or legal action arising from any situation caused by your use of this forum.
  • You have the ability, as you register, to choose your username. We advise that you keep the name appropriate. You agree to never give your password out to another person except an administrator, for your protection and for validity reasons. You also agree to NEVER use another person's account for any reason.  We also HIGHLY recommend you use a complex and unique password for your account, to prevent account theft. Additional security (eg. two factor authentication) is available to protect your account and we highly recommend you enable this extra security. Under no circumstances will we be held liable for your account being accessed, hacked, or used without your consent.
  • This forum is only available to adults 18 years of age and older. As such, you take full responsibility for any actions you take. We make no guarantees as to profitability, trading success, or results of any kind. No content on this forum should be considered as trading advice or legal advice. Under no circumstances will we be held responsible for any trading or investment activities you choose to perform.
  • After you register and login to this forum, you will be able to fill out a detailed profile. It is your responsibility to present clean and accurate information. Any information the forum owner or staff determines to be inaccurate, offensive, or vulgar in nature will be removed, with or without prior notice. Appropriate sanctions may be applicable.
  • We reserve the right to limit, suspend, or ban any user, at our sole discretion. We will not be held liable for any damages or losses you incur as a result of your forum access being limited, suspended, or banned.

Privacy Policy:

  • We will never ask for any sensitive personal or financial information.
  • Becoming a member of this forum may require that you submit your email address. This is to ensure only real humans register and not automated bots. It also helps prevent spam and other fraudulent activities. Submitting an email address is not required in order to view this forum since registration is optional.
  • Any personal information submitted to us is done at your own will and is completely voluntary.
  • This forum does not use deceptive tactics to collect any of your personal information whatsoever.
  • We will never share, give away, or sell your personal information to any 3rd parties unless it becomes legally mandatory to do so.
  • Your IP address may be recorded when browsing this forum. This is necessary in the event that you need to be banned, or if your ISP needs contacted, or for law enforcement reasons.
  • This forum places a cookie, a text file containing bits of information, in your browser's cache. This is ONLY used to keep you logged in/out. This forum may also place another cookie related to the referral program on your computer. That is, if you click on another member's referral link, a cookie may be placed on your computer for tracking purposes in order for that member to receive credit for their referral. Both types of cookies mentioned above are required for the proper functioning of the forum. No other cookies are used by this forum. This forum does not collect or place any other form of information to your computer. If you do want cookies placed on your computer, do not use this forum.

If any of these terms are a problem for you, do not register or use this forum. By registering and using this forum, you are agreeing to ALL the terms stated.

#1 - May 15, 2018, 09:00:27 PM
« Last Edit: September 11, 2023, 02:30:24 AM by Admin »
Terms of Use & Privacy Policy in Terms_Forex%20Zone%20VIP%20Membership


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