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Best Forex system EMA AND WMA

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I first started trading when I was 15. I was fond of the stock market, but due to my limited capital, I could only buy one share. When I eventually choose the stock I wanted, It didn’t go up or down. It just kept bouncing around. In the end, I sold the stock with a 5% loss.

I was still following the stock market, but I decided for myself I needed something more volatile with more leverage. I discovered options, futures a CfD’s. But they still were too unpredictable.

Eventually, I found my holy grail: Forex. I read all that I could read about it and made some first profits. I discovered the power of something as simple as the BGX system or Vegas.

I started studying these methods more closely and realized that these simple models could make you very profitable in the long run.

Over time, I started to adapt the systems to my own rules. The biggest advantage of the Sidus Method is that it is not necessary for adding extra filters. Whipsaws will occur, but less frequent.

This system made my trading very profitable as it easy to understand, easy to implement and easy to find the right entry points.

What do you need?
1H (of 30MIN, but you will get wore whipsaws) candlesticks/bar charts
18 EMA & 28 EMA (put them in red)

5 WMA (in blue) & 8 WMA (in Orange )

The 18 EMA & 28 EMA are two red lines who form a tunnel, these will help you to determine the start of a trend and the end of a trend. 

The 5 WMA & 8 WMA will show you when to enter a trend, they will also help you to see the strength of the trends. 

Entry Signals:-

! You should only open a position when the red tunnel is extremely narrow or crossed!
LONG: 5 WMA & 8 WMA cross the red tunnel upwards.

If the 5 WMA also crosses the 8 WMA upwards, then the signal is extra strong.

SHORT: 5 WMA & 8 WMA cross the red tunnel downwards.

If the 5 WMA also crosses the 8 WMA downwards, then the signal is extra strong.
Exit Signals:- Signals that show the end of the chosen trend:

- Long: The price has reached a top and 5 WMA dives under 8 WMA 
Close position

- Short: The price has reached a bottom and 5 WMA jumps above 8 WMA 
Close position

Always close your position when boundaries of the red tunnel cross each other or when they become so

narrow that they are one! This is a clear sign of a trend reversal. After you see this, close your position

and open a new position in the other way (If you were long, close, open a short position)

When in a trade and the 5 WMA & 8 WMA cross the red tunnel -> Pay attention! As long as the red

tunnel boundary's doesn’t cross each other there is no problem, but often this is a sign that they will!
Basic rule
!!!Enter a position were the red tunnel boundaries cross and exit that position when they cross again!!!
!!! Always use a stop loss - I recommend a 10-15 pip stop loss !!!

Money management is THE holy grail of forex trading! Please think about this and implement it. If you use this system it will give you nice rewards, but use money management to give you larger returns!

This method was manually back tested in real time on EUR/GBP and EUR/USD. I can only say it works for

these pairs, as I didn’t test with others.

#1 - November 15, 2018, 04:20:57 AM

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Thanks for sharing.
You have very interesting methods.

As a weekend project, I am going to try and code this into an EA. (With my limited coding knowledge, so Admin and CPG know they gonna get a posts from me again. This is how we learn, right?)
#2 - November 16, 2018, 07:35:58 PM

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Previously I used the techniques of the EMA and WMA indicators, but I was not suitable to use these indicators, I prefer pivot points as the basis for trading.
#3 - February 04, 2019, 07:41:30 AM

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I first started trading when I was 15. I was fond of the stock market, but due to my limited capital, I could only buy one share. When I eventually choose the stock I wanted, It didn’t go up or down. It just kept bouncing around. In the end, I sold the stock with a 5% loss.

I was still following the stock market, but I decided for myself I needed something more volatile with more leverage. I discovered options, futures a CfD’s. But they still were too unpredictable.

Eventually, I found my holy grail: Forex. I read all that I could read about it and made some first profits. I discovered the power of something as simple as the BGX system or Vegas.

I started studying these methods more closely and realized that these simple models could make you very profitable in the long run.

Over time, I started to adapt the systems to my own rules. The biggest advantage of the Sidus Method is that it is not necessary for adding extra filters. Whipsaws will occur, but less frequent.

This system made my trading very profitable as it easy to understand, easy to implement and easy to find the right entry points.

What do you need?
- 1H (of 30MIN, but you will get wore whipsaws) candlesticks/bar charts
- 18 EMA & 28 EMA (put them in red)

- 5 WMA (in blue) & 8 WMA (in Orange )

The 18 EMA & 28 EMA are two red lines who form a tunnel, these will help you to determine the start of a trend and the end of a trend.

The 5 WMA & 8 WMA will show you when to enter a trend, they will also help you to see the strength of the trends.

Entry Signals:-

! You should only open a position when the red tunnel is extremely narrow or crossed!
LONG: 5 WMA & 8 WMA cross the red tunnel upwards.

If the 5 WMA also crosses the 8 WMA upwards, then the signal is extra strong.

SHORT: 5 WMA & 8 WMA cross the red tunnel downwards.

If the 5 WMA also crosses the 8 WMA downwards, then the signal is extra strong.
Exit Signals:- Signals that show the end of the chosen trend:

- Long: The price has reached a top and 5 WMA dives under 8 WMA
Close position

- Short: The price has reached a bottom and 5 WMA jumps above 8 WMA
Close position

Always close your position when boundaries of the red tunnel cross each other or when they become so

narrow that they are one! This is a clear sign of a trend reversal. After you see this, close your position

and open a new position in the other way (If you were long, close, open a short position)

When in a trade and the 5 WMA & 8 WMA cross the red tunnel -> Pay attention! As long as the red

tunnel boundary's doesn’t cross each other there is no problem, but often this is a sign that they will!
Basic rule
!!!Enter a position were the red tunnel boundaries cross and exit that position when they cross again!!!
!!! Always use a stop loss - I recommend a 10-15 pip stop loss !!!

Money management is THE holy grail of forex trading! Please think about this and implement it. If you use this system it will give you nice rewards, but use money management to give you larger returns!

This method was manually back tested in real time on EUR/GBP and EUR/USD. I can only say it works for

these pairs, as I didn’t test with others.

really gaes money management is the key to the success of trading on this forex
#4 - February 04, 2019, 08:10:50 AM

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moving average is lagging. so i not use moving averange. why you use moving average like?
#5 - February 04, 2019, 09:28:15 PM

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the EMA and WMA strategy techniques are the best right now because many are used by world trader traders to determine the direction of the market but MACD techniques need to be added because by adding MACD I think it will be complex and uniform because the calculations are almost the same to determine open positions
#6 - February 05, 2019, 04:11:36 AM

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just what i know that Typically moving average is the simplest way to use when it comes to trade especially using the moving average cross between two lines which give you a clear view for the market move but I have to say this kind of trading is not accurate during side way and volatile markets and will lead you for multiple losses within short time.

So using this way should be only at a very clear market direction and within the right session that offers high liquidity for the pair you are using
#7 - February 06, 2019, 11:26:22 AM

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the EMA and WMA strategy techniques are the best right now because many are used by world trader traders to determine the direction of the market but MACD techniques need to be added because by adding MACD I think it will be complex and uniform because the calculations are almost the same to determine open positions
I agree with you sir, but I prefer to combine MA with RS to see trends and rsi I use to look for divergent convergent patterns.
#8 - February 07, 2019, 12:10:31 AM

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just what i know that Typically moving average is the simplest way to use when it comes to trade especially using the moving average cross between two lines which give you a clear view for the market move but I have to say this kind of trading is not accurate during side way and volatile markets and will lead you for multiple losses within short time.

So using this way should be only at a very clear market direction and within the right session that offers high liquidity for the pair you are using
So am I, sir, I use the MA only to see the direction of the trend, and not to open the position, because it is like being late and I always miss the moment
#9 - February 07, 2019, 12:17:39 AM

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can you explain this strategy with images to be clearer and easier to learn, and if possible give an example to the market how to enter the market with this strategy. thank you

#10 - February 07, 2019, 05:22:02 AM

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can you explain this strategy with images to be clearer and easier to learn, and if possible give an example to the market how to enter the market with this strategy. thank you

I also agree with your opinion, friend ...

if we see the technical image, it seems interesting to learn, this can be useful for all friends.
#11 - February 08, 2019, 06:57:29 PM

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I first started trading when I was 15. I was fond of the stock market, but due to my limited capital, I could only buy one share. When I eventually choose the stock I wanted, It didn’t go up or down. It just kept bouncing around. In the end, I sold the stock with a 5% loss.

I was still following the stock market, but I decided for myself I needed something more volatile with more leverage. I discovered options, futures a CfD’s. But they still were too unpredictable.

Eventually, I found my holy grail: Forex. I read all that I could read about it and made some first profits. I discovered the power of something as simple as the BGX system or Vegas.

I started studying these methods more closely and realized that these simple models could make you very profitable in the long run.

Over time, I started to adapt the systems to my own rules. The biggest advantage of the Sidus Method is that it is not necessary for adding extra filters. Whipsaws will occur, but less frequent.

This system made my trading very profitable as it easy to understand, easy to implement and easy to find the right entry points.

What do you need?
- 1H (of 30MIN, but you will get wore whipsaws) candlesticks/bar charts
- 18 EMA & 28 EMA (put them in red)

- 5 WMA (in blue) & 8 WMA (in Orange )

The 18 EMA & 28 EMA are two red lines who form a tunnel, these will help you to determine the start of a trend and the end of a trend.

The 5 WMA & 8 WMA will show you when to enter a trend, they will also help you to see the strength of the trends.

Entry Signals:-

! You should only open a position when the red tunnel is extremely narrow or crossed!
LONG: 5 WMA & 8 WMA cross the red tunnel upwards.

If the 5 WMA also crosses the 8 WMA upwards, then the signal is extra strong.

SHORT: 5 WMA & 8 WMA cross the red tunnel downwards.

If the 5 WMA also crosses the 8 WMA downwards, then the signal is extra strong.
Exit Signals:- Signals that show the end of the chosen trend:

- Long: The price has reached a top and 5 WMA dives under 8 WMA
Close position

- Short: The price has reached a bottom and 5 WMA jumps above 8 WMA
Close position

Always close your position when boundaries of the red tunnel cross each other or when they become so

narrow that they are one! This is a clear sign of a trend reversal. After you see this, close your position

and open a new position in the other way (If you were long, close, open a short position)

When in a trade and the 5 WMA & 8 WMA cross the red tunnel -> Pay attention! As long as the red

tunnel boundary's doesn’t cross each other there is no problem, but often this is a sign that they will!
Basic rule
!!!Enter a position were the red tunnel boundaries cross and exit that position when they cross again!!!
!!! Always use a stop loss - I recommend a 10-15 pip stop loss !!!

Money management is THE holy grail of forex trading! Please think about this and implement it. If you use this system it will give you nice rewards, but use money management to give you larger returns!

This method was manually back tested in real time on EUR/GBP and EUR/USD. I can only say it works for

these pairs, as I didn’t test with others.

so amazing. You have known forex since 15 years. the trading method is very simple in my opinion but I can't imagine how the entry is. get you to show a picture that can explain it.
#12 - February 08, 2019, 11:27:06 PM

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MA always good to show support and resistance.
I also use ma, altough i use different periode, it always help show the S/R levels.

I use ma 10 as trigger
#13 - February 09, 2019, 02:42:49 AM

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I first started trading when I was 15. I was fond of the stock market, but due to my limited capital, I could only buy one share. When I eventually choose the stock I wanted, It didn’t go up or down. It just kept bouncing around. In the end, I sold the stock with a 5% loss.

I was still following the stock market, but I decided for myself I needed something more volatile with more leverage. I discovered options, futures a CfD’s. But they still were too unpredictable.

Eventually, I found my holy grail: Forex. I read all that I could read about it and made some first profits. I discovered the power of something as simple as the BGX system or Vegas.

I started studying these methods more closely and realized that these simple models could make you very profitable in the long run.

Over time, I started to adapt the systems to my own rules. The biggest advantage of the Sidus Method is that it is not necessary for adding extra filters. Whipsaws will occur, but less frequent.

This system made my trading very profitable as it easy to understand, easy to implement and easy to find the right entry points.

What do you need?
- 1H (of 30MIN, but you will get wore whipsaws) candlesticks/bar charts
- 18 EMA & 28 EMA (put them in red)

- 5 WMA (in blue) & 8 WMA (in Orange )

The 18 EMA & 28 EMA are two red lines who form a tunnel, these will help you to determine the start of a trend and the end of a trend.

The 5 WMA & 8 WMA will show you when to enter a trend, they will also help you to see the strength of the trends.

Entry Signals:-

! You should only open a position when the red tunnel is extremely narrow or crossed!
LONG: 5 WMA & 8 WMA cross the red tunnel upwards.

If the 5 WMA also crosses the 8 WMA upwards, then the signal is extra strong.

SHORT: 5 WMA & 8 WMA cross the red tunnel downwards.

If the 5 WMA also crosses the 8 WMA downwards, then the signal is extra strong.
Exit Signals:- Signals that show the end of the chosen trend:

- Long: The price has reached a top and 5 WMA dives under 8 WMA
Close position

- Short: The price has reached a bottom and 5 WMA jumps above 8 WMA
Close position

Always close your position when boundaries of the red tunnel cross each other or when they become so

narrow that they are one! This is a clear sign of a trend reversal. After you see this, close your position

and open a new position in the other way (If you were long, close, open a short position)

When in a trade and the 5 WMA & 8 WMA cross the red tunnel -> Pay attention! As long as the red

tunnel boundary's doesn’t cross each other there is no problem, but often this is a sign that they will!
Basic rule
!!!Enter a position were the red tunnel boundaries cross and exit that position when they cross again!!!
!!! Always use a stop loss - I recommend a 10-15 pip stop loss !!!

Money management is THE holy grail of forex trading! Please think about this and implement it. If you use this system it will give you nice rewards, but use money management to give you larger returns!

This method was manually back tested in real time on EUR/GBP and EUR/USD. I can only say it works for

these pairs, as I didn’t test with others.

I see this trading system looks good too and it is quite easy to apply it to trading, but what underlies it so decides to use the MA line with the measurements as explained, is there a specific reason for using that size
#14 - February 09, 2019, 04:19:27 AM

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I first started trading when I was 15. I was fond of the stock market, but due to my limited capital, I could only buy one share. When I eventually choose the stock I wanted, It didn’t go up or down. It just kept bouncing around. In the end, I sold the stock with a 5% loss.

I was still following the stock market, but I decided for myself I needed something more volatile with more leverage. I discovered options, futures a CfD’s. But they still were too unpredictable.

Eventually, I found my holy grail: Forex. I read all that I could read about it and made some first profits. I discovered the power of something as simple as the BGX system or Vegas.

I started studying these methods more closely and realized that these simple models could make you very profitable in the long run.

Over time, I started to adapt the systems to my own rules. The biggest advantage of the Sidus Method is that it is not necessary for adding extra filters. Whipsaws will occur, but less frequent.

This system made my trading very profitable as it easy to understand, easy to implement and easy to find the right entry points.

What do you need?
- 1H (of 30MIN, but you will get wore whipsaws) candlesticks/bar charts
- 18 EMA & 28 EMA (put them in red)

- 5 WMA (in blue) & 8 WMA (in Orange )

The 18 EMA & 28 EMA are two red lines who form a tunnel, these will help you to determine the start of a trend and the end of a trend.

The 5 WMA & 8 WMA will show you when to enter a trend, they will also help you to see the strength of the trends.

Entry Signals:-

! You should only open a position when the red tunnel is extremely narrow or crossed!
LONG: 5 WMA & 8 WMA cross the red tunnel upwards.

If the 5 WMA also crosses the 8 WMA upwards, then the signal is extra strong.

SHORT: 5 WMA & 8 WMA cross the red tunnel downwards.

If the 5 WMA also crosses the 8 WMA downwards, then the signal is extra strong.
Exit Signals:- Signals that show the end of the chosen trend:

- Long: The price has reached a top and 5 WMA dives under 8 WMA
Close position

- Short: The price has reached a bottom and 5 WMA jumps above 8 WMA
Close position

Always close your position when boundaries of the red tunnel cross each other or when they become so

narrow that they are one! This is a clear sign of a trend reversal. After you see this, close your position

and open a new position in the other way (If you were long, close, open a short position)

When in a trade and the 5 WMA & 8 WMA cross the red tunnel -> Pay attention! As long as the red

tunnel boundary's doesn’t cross each other there is no problem, but often this is a sign that they will!
Basic rule
!!!Enter a position were the red tunnel boundaries cross and exit that position when they cross again!!!
!!! Always use a stop loss - I recommend a 10-15 pip stop loss !!!

Money management is THE holy grail of forex trading! Please think about this and implement it. If you use this system it will give you nice rewards, but use money management to give you larger returns!

This method was manually back tested in real time on EUR/GBP and EUR/USD. I can only say it works for

these pairs, as I didn’t test with others.

hello ... your trading system is interesting
can you provide some pict for the entry ? i hope get it for my understanding your technique
#15 - February 09, 2019, 06:38:14 AM


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